One of our greatest needs is starting Christian schools in Bangladesh, a country that is almost 90% Muslim and just .03% “Christian”. Most of those practice the cult of catholocism. So, the need is INCREDIBLY great and we have a calling from God to stand in the gap! You can be a huge blessing to so many children as it’s just $3 per month per child to enroll them in one of our schools! Please pray and consider helping out these precious children. We are educating 76 children for $250 per month, total!
We are launching 3 Christian schools(K-5th grade) on our mission fields in Bangladesh January 2021. They will be transferring from their current secular schools, which teach falsely, to our Christian schools. Praise Jesus! The TOTAL monthly cost for the schools is just $250 per month. It costs triple that to teach ONE CHILD in the US!
It only costs only $3 USD per child per month to give them a quality, God centered education. Sponsor 10 children’s education for just $30 per month. Or maybe, you are in the position to sponsor a whole school? Click below to be part of this incredible blessing for so many children. You may CLICK HERE to see the breakdown of costs and a most recent update from late 2020. Otherwise, click the “Donate Now” button to the left or below as you are led by the Lord.