GMFC School/Church/Farm/Orphanage Campaign – Bangladesh 2015

Please partner with us as we take the next step in our ministry. We have spent the last 3+ years establishing mission fields in Kenya, Bangladesh and India. We have developed incredible fellowship and have shared godly doctrine and teaching with these dear leaders and their teams.  Much has been done but the needs continue to be great. One such need is to provide these mission fields with a proper homestead to provide greater help to the community. Currently, many are simply operating out of a small apartment or hut so we are now asking for some special saints to help us make this prayer a reality.

Just $400 per month per mission field will allow us to rent a home-site with enough land to be self-sufficient and provide all the services below! The most important need we will be fulfilling is providing Christian schooling as most children are being taught in muslim schools. This would costs us a few thousand per month in the US, but, the foreign mission fields allows the blessings we receive from the Lord to be used in such greater ways. We will be able to raise livestock like goats and chickens as well as grow vegetables for the ministry with some left over to provide income. We will use the properties for:

1. Sunday School
2. Children and Youths Camp
3. Church Fellowship
4. Bible Study and Training Center
5. Ministry Office Work
6. Sponsorship Children Work
7. Pastors and Leaders (from fields) Training Center With Accommodations
8. Women Training Center (focusing on widows and single mothers)
9.Christian School (most important as many state-sponsored schools are Muslin)
10. Orphanage

Pray to be a part of this incredible calling. God bless you. 2 Corinthians 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Support brother Hilton and his ministry team by clicking below. God bless you abundantly as we reach the lost together.

James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.