Nov 21 2014
2014 Winter Blanket Campaign Update – Bangladesh
Praise the Lord! My dear honorable friends. Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. I’d like to announce that we have completed the 1st part of our Winter Blanket Distribution Program for Bangladesh thanks to the financial support we have received so far. And we are really grateful to Lord and my friends who pray for us and who financially support our evangelical efforts. I would like to special thanks to the ministry of GMFC for the great mission work. In the 1st part of distribution, we have distributed about 80 blanket to 80 families in 2 new mission fields. We distributed the blankets along with the Gospel of Christ, so now, 80 families have heard HIS word preached which would not have happened without the support of obedient Christians. Now, we can also say that with your help, 80 families will be warn this winter from the cold. We pray for you all. Please pray for us and donate as you fell moved according to according to 2 Corinthians 9:7 “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver”.
God bless you and yours, Amen