Month: July 2015

GMFC Bangladesh Update July 2015

Another incredible blessing happened on our Bangladesh mission field this month. After 3 years of prayer, we were finally able to bless Pastor Hilton with a used motorbike. Glory to GOD! His words follow. “Hello my honorable brother in Christ, how are you? We are well and blessed and also very happy. Brother, I have attached this months update and this month we have done huge work, but its just a fraction of what we need to do compared to the great need out there. As you know, the average income here for a family is $100/month. We haveRead More

GMFC Moyale Kenya Update July 2015

Brother William, our mission leader in Kenya traveled to Ethiopia earlier this month then back to Moyale. Below is a note and pictures. “Glory be to God from Moyale Kenya! Church is growing well, lost souls are coming to Christ. There are photos of believers, my photo and the children that need our support. Also, a picture of a woman who gave her life to Jesus  yesterday after preaching. I take this opportunity to say thank you to brother Jimmy and the GMFC team at large for their support and praying. God bless you all for standing in the gap. Please, continue prayingRead More