It’s an amazing act of God! The 1st children have been enrolled and the 1st GMFC Christian school, Everlight Elementary has opened in Bangladesh! Be blessed and a big THANKS to all who helped make this a reality! Glory to JESUS! Brother Hilton updates below(Remember it’s a 90% Muslim and 9% Hindu country):
Praise the Lord. All the Glory to Almighty God. This is the blessing report from Bangladesh. We are very thankful to the Lord for His blessing to us. We start our school with His blessing from 5th February’ 2017. We got permission from our local government office last months and we start our school officially. We started our school with a few students but God will send more. We invite our local union council member and local political leaders for the opening ceremony to to witness to them too! We started our opening ceremony with prayer and national anthem and with salute to our national flag. We request our students guardians to bring some homemade desert for the children and we made all the students and guests breakfast. What a great fellowship had by all. The guardians had done a great job and we tasted and enjoy the cakes. We arranged some games for students and also for guardians for this opening day. All students and parents joined the games and they enjoyed them greatly. We gave prizes to all students for the games. I can’t explain in words how much happy they were, what an incredible blessing. After that, we arranged an open discussion program for our guest and they thanked us for the school in their village. Some guardian said, “our school will be a good and best school in that village”. Also, I took the chance and preached there about our mission. I preached about Jesus Christ our Lord! I said, “He gave us this school for a good and best education. He Love us, He’s blessing us in great ways”. He is calling us to for mercy. I preach for repentance, holiness and for them to come to Lord. People were very happy I preached there about our mission and about Jesus Christ our Lord. Amazing in a country that is 90% Muslim and 9% Hundu! I said, “He calls us to for mercy, He is calling you to repent of your sins and come to Lord”. People were very excited and happy to know about Jesus Christ, AMEN! Our main goal is preach the Gospel through the school and my Lord gave us this opportunity. We are so thankful to Lord. We are also so thankful to all of our partners who are praying and supporting us for this mission work. We request all of you living holy to please pray for us and to continue and support us for more work in Bangladesh for His Kingdom. God bless you and yours. Amen -Hilton Biswas (GMFC Bangladesh mission leader)
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