Category: Exposing Wolves
Wise as a Serpent, Gentle as a Dove; Surviving as a Sheep in the Midst of Wolves (eBook)

Please wait a few seconds for the eBook to load. You may also click here to download the book in PDF format. BELOW IS THE BOOK IN AUDIO FORMAT – THE ORDER IS NOT DISPLAYING CORRECTLY BUT SIMPLY START AT “Wise as a Serpent-Gentle as a Dove Book Cover Audio”, THEN “Introduction – Before – During – After” AND FINALLY CHAPTER 1, 2, 3 ETC.
List of Salaries and Stewardship of Leading “Humanitarian” Organizations aka MONEY CHANGERS

List of Salaries and Stewardship of Leading “Humanitarian” Organizations aka MONEY CHANGERS and Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing! Four “Christian” and two secular. Gospel for Asia Founded by KP Yohannan, we have never seen an organization start so good and fall so hard! He was a humble servant for decades(from what we can see from afar) and now is is a self-declared “pope” of the “believers church” where people kiss his rings, etc. Talk about Apostasy! That is just the tip of the iceberg! A headquarters in TX just built for over $50,000,000 and that money came from donors and theRead More