GMFC Moyale Kenya

Below, in his own words, is brother William’s update from the mission field in Moyale, (Northern) Kenya. What a warrior he is for Jesus. You can click here to help him. Glory to GOD!
Hello Dear Brother Jimmy, It is another month that the Lord Has given us. How are you and how do you do. I hope you are doing well. Praise God. I am doing well and fine to. This month we had several time of prayer and fasting and Evangelism, I surely witnessed Lord Jesus working in many areas and lost souls coming to Christ. Praise God, you know majority of occupants in North Eastern part of Kenya are Muslims and it is too difficult to share with them the Gospel unless the Holy Spirit intervenes, by the grace and love of God may Muslims had the message of repentance and Holiness, Praise Jesus.I always give glory to God because of Brother Jimmy and GMFC donors,
you have been a blessing to us here in Moyale- Kenya spiritually and
physically, needy children who had no hope now receive donations and
go to school like other children. they wear good school uniforms,
school shoes and have all school requirements. your prayers and
support enabled us to move beyond our expectation to seek for the lost
souls and many came to Christ. Your Reward is with Jesus for those who
are donating to the least of these.I personally have learnt soo may lessons from you, speaking the truth
My life has changed, My way of living has changed, my way of preaching
has changed, my way of evangelizing has changed and my way of doing
things has changed since i received and obeyed and followed the
teaching of Brother Jimmy. All Praise To God. you will find in the
picture whenever i preach in open air or crusade many people come to
watch but eventually receives Christ.We move all over markets and
villages witnessing Jesus.Some reject and chase us away but other receive us. This month we
did repair on church wall crack and we dug toilets for both men and
ladies in the church compound. Our children are doing well. Please
remember to pray for Wako Halakhe who is sick from Malaria now for
almost one week.We are still praying to God to open the door to support our grave water
situation here in Moyale- KenyaGod Bless you for your generous support in Moyale, we appreciate it more than you know.