Help Launch the GMFC Medical Mission

Imagine you, yes you can be part of something so very special. For just $3 per month per person, you can provide neem oil and moringa powder to one child (or adult). This gives them their complete daily nutritional needs in a slum where there is no nutrition. Their staple is rice and is 90%+ of their intake (when they can afford a bit as many go without some days). Their immune systems are so very weak and this is why 22,000 children under the age of 5 years old die DAILY. Join me. -James Miller
Join me in fulfilling the Great Commission and help me take care of the “least of these”. You can donate simply below with just your card number and email, or, help us in other areas by CLICKING HERE or CLICK HERE TO GIVE MONTHLY (make sure you use the bottom option and click “Give Monthly”).
To Jesus be all the glory. – James Miller