January 2017 Missions Report From Moyale Kenya

Greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus, how are you and how do you do? We thank God for His faithfulness upon our lives and ministry here in Moyale Kenya. We thank God because of you our dear brothers, supporters, sponsors, donors and GMFC for your kind support toward the Kingdom of Heaven. Your have really been blessing to us in many ways. Your prayers & word of encouragement and support has enabled us to stand for Jesus in this remote area. Our children, orphans, needy and widows are well. Thank you again brother Jimmy & GMFC supporters for the provision, feeding the poor, clothing and giving all what they need. All this happened because of love of Jesus. True Gospel is spreading, souls are repenting and coming to Jesus, praise the Lord. We have started our Church construction, buying materials and setting plan soon you will see what God can do, please pray for church construction. We are soon going to have PA system in our Church, we give glory to Jesus for his provision and appreciate our brother Jimmy for what he is doing to expand the kingdom of God. The solar pump has been installed and by the Grace of God the borehole is now working! People are drinking water of life. When opened it, we had service at the borehole site and many muslims and pagans heard the gospel. We preached about water of life in John 4. God used someone to do this, it is actually a miracle we have this water after generations of fetching dirty, contaminated water miles away! God answered our long prayer. Early this month, I went to Ethiopia just near place to Moyale to preach Jesus to a church in Tesso mio District and God used me mighty to show them the true path to Jesus. They were not happy but I told them the truth whether they like it or not. I did not came to preach my message or to please them but to preach Gospel of Jesus. Keep praying for us and support us, the work is so much, the field is wide. We are praying to start school here soon. Yesterday when we are going for mission one man gave his life to Jesus. Today, one old man who was greatly overwhelmed by tradition came to Jesus. He is a big tribal leader here and will bring many to Jesus! We have preached to him as we could for years and he was a great barrier to true gospel. Now, God made a bridge of salvation to others. Many people believes in him so much, he was a false tribal prophets. Pray for him as he will be visiting our church in Moyale and the GMFC team will be discipling him! God is doing new things all day brother, so grateful. Praise the Lord! -Brother William Wario