Ministering Christ & Making Disciples in Moyale Kenya

After a few weeks of hampered communications, we are so blessed to hear from our indigenous missionaries from Moyale, Kenya (near the Ethiopian border).
November 24th, 2017 Praise the Lord dear brethren, how are you and how do you do? I hope you are all well. We are blessed and doing fine in the Lord. This month and last month I faced many challenges but all for the glory of God. Last month we got into an accident while we were on a road test for our mission van. A young man from nowhere hit ran out and hit the van side mirror. He fell on the tarmac road and got severe injuries on the head. He was taken immediately to Afya hospital in moyale and was referred to Kenyatta hospital(Nairobi) in short order because he was unconscious. We brought him a day’s travel to Kenyatta hospital where he was admitted and treated. The patient, JILLO LAGASA, stayed in the hospital for five days while he was unconscious. He is Muslim and our entire church prayed to Jesus to keep him alive so he can repent. We give Jesus glory that JILLO has come out of the coma and is ALIVE! Thank you all for your prayers brother Jimmy and all GMFC partners. We are still praying for God to provide hospital bill which is 127,000 ksh($1,270USD). I request you all to pray and support us in Jesus name. In the process, I lost my phone and could not communicate with anybody but God is good in all situations.I thank God for the provisions of the mission van in moyale, it so marvelous.
We appreciate you all who prayed for and contributed toward the van. I also thank God for healing my daughter Esther who was sick and also for my younger son who had the flu, fever and malaria. He is well now. Last month many people in our county died of malaria but God is great and my daughter and son recovered. Thank you all for your prayers. While I was away it rained so much and my phone was overtaken by water and broke. I did could not communicate again with anyone for more than one week. I want to thank you brothers Jimmy, Moses and Joseph for your concern as you searched for me to know my situation. We thank God for His favor in our mission field as many are coming to Jesus, yet others still despise the Gospel. We shall not give up! We have started another fellowship at Gotu village where there are four believers so far. All other villagers are devil worshippers. Imagine even animals in that village are possessed! Please pray that God will transform that village. We need to send someone to stay with them, please pray for willing person and for his support. We give glory to God because of GMFC for there support, God bless you all. -Brother William Wario
November 28th, 2017 Hello brethren, we had an enjoyable time distributing the solar lights to the widows and other poor people here in remote Moyale, Kenya where there is not electricity or running water. We also taught them that Jesus is The Light and we should be a light to the world. 1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin.”