A Physical NOT Spiritual Drought in Moyale Kenya

Even though they had to walk miles, and miles and miles to get water (which is disgusting from ponds where the wild animals drink from), the GMFC brethren march on as warriors for Jesus! Here is this months update from brother William Kosi, our mission leader:

Greeting to you my dear brother, how are you and how do you do? We give praise to our Lord Jesus for His love and peace upon our life and ministry.

This month we had much trouble and some was due to lack of water as all the ponds we use dried up. We use to walk more than 100 km to fetch water, and rain delayed. We praise Jesus we have received rain!

Our Church is doing well and new souls coming to Jesus. Many are oppressing us especially the people who call themselves Christian and compromise with sin! They are just religious people! They told us not to preach or evangelize in there area. We wanted to start another fellowship at new place we were evangelizing this month but religious pharisees who live there fought us. Muslims are better than them because they never new the truth, but them they say they know the truth and truth is not in them, they just pretend and deceive others. We will not stop preaching because of persecution from religious  people who call themselves Christian and muslims! I am called to preach the truth up to the end.

We were unable to start our church construction because of hardship of water but we started searching the land where to construct the church and we are working on it. We shall try our level best to finish in December, God willing.

Our new fellowship in Golole Goda, Ethiopia is doing good though there are challenges here and lack of peace.We are praying for laborer to keep this church growing and do discipleship.

Our borehole is not yet finished installing as the crew left and went back to Nairobi. Let’s pray that God will intervene as we surely have great problems of clean water.

We thank God because of your support as it has enabled us to move on supporting these orphans and needy children and widows and evangelizing to lost souls.We say thank all the precious GMFC donors! I may not know you personally but God knows each and every one of our supporters here in MOYALE KENYA by their name. God bless you abundantly for your generous offering and add you more in Jesus name.

Praying for all of you. See photos below.



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