Moyale Kenya Update – Preaching, Orphans and Ethiopia Outreach!

Moyale Kenya mission leader, brother William Wario, updates us from the mission field. As usual, miracles abound!
Hello dear brother, I hope you are doing good. I am well and fine praise Jesus! God is doing wonders in our daily meeting for the glory of God. We are seeing people knowing the the truth and repenting. Some people were in the church for a while, but while we continue teach them the way to heaven which only true repentance (prov 28:13), confessing and returning from sin, they actually pour out their hearts to the Lord. We are continually doing evangelism to Muslims even though they won’t come to the Lord at this time, I believe they will come at the right time of God. We started another fellowship at Golole Goda, Ethiopia and so many souls came last Sunday. Brother, what we are lacking is harvesters, we need them so much so please keep this in prayer. Our sponsored children are doing well and I will take more pictures to send to you. We really appreciate all the support from the GMFC donors and child sponsors, Their prayers and word of encouragement also help so much, especially since we came back from the Bungoma conference as I see and feel in my heart a greater boldness to preach. We are invited to preach Adis Ababa, Ethiopia next week, me and brother Joshua, please pray for us. We are praying for you too.God bless you and GMFC donors. Some pictures attached of the cheapest house structure which is made of tree, mud and finally cement. It is durable. See pictures below with the homes and also of orphans we are helping. God bless.