Water, Muslim Salvation & Open Air Preaching in Northern Kenya!

Brother William Wario Kosi has been serving with us in Northern Kenya for 3 years. He preaches almost exclusively to Muslims and has absolutely no fear! Glory to God!
I greet you in the name of Jesus my dear brother, how are you and how do you do? Hope your are well and fine. I am doing good praise Jesus.Surely this is very busiest month.
We had revival meeting in the church early this month and seen God working in the lives of many. We had youth fasting and praying and God touched their hearts. It’s raining season here and I have planted beans seed and God willing we will use the harvest for August mission. As you know, we have very dirty water. I hope God has a good plan for this community in this water situation as almost 100 children die DAILY in Kenya alone from drinking contaminated water. We are on a mission to another muslim region as I got a permit from the government and will be there from Tuesday up to Saturday. On door to door mission they are no resistance, but they also come to open air to watch. So many heard gospel during open air and four gave their lives to Christ in secret because they fear their fellow muslims. Let’s pray for them. Our sponsored children are doing good, all blessed and Wako also has recovered. We are praying the others get sponsored soon in Jesus name. We thank God and also for brother Jimmy and all the GMFC donors.We are able to run our ministry in MOYALE NOTHERN KENYA only because of your support! So many displaced needy children are benefiting and praising God because of GMFC and it’s donors. We are giving all the glory to God. You are blessed brother Jimmy and becoming blessing to numerous souls. We thank you for your teachings and look forward to meet you in person in two weeks here in Kenya!
We are praying for you, the trip to kenya and a good solution to the grave water situation in Moyale/ I believe it all will happen by the will of God. Soon we will meet.
GOD BLESS YOU, Brother William
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