June 2017 Update from Bangladesh

Brother Hilton provides a blessed update from the GMFC mission field in Bangladesh.
Praise the Lord-
Greetings to you from Bangladesh. We are glad to say thank you because you are always praying for us and praying for the Bangladesh mission. We are also thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ who always giving us strength, power and empowers us as His soldiers for His great work. Updates:
Church Construction
We are praying for Tala Church for a long time. It is the first non-house GMFC Church in Bangladesh. Now we are going to construct Church in Tala. So a few days ago, we bought needed wood, tin and other materials. We already made the floor by soil but we can’t start the church construction due to rain. Now rainy season is running in Bangladesh. So, we are getting a late start to construct the Church building. We believe that God will help us. He will make His house in time.
Bicycle for Pastor
Tapon Sarker is a Pastor in our ministry. He lives in Tala, Bangladesh. He preaches the Gospel in 2 areas. These areas are far from Tala where he is living. So it is difficult for him to go these places easily. Pastor Tapon was praying for a bicycle for a long time. We were recently able to buy a bicycle for him, praise Jesus! So several times in a month he is going to these places easily. He also visited some new places, praise the Lord. We are praying for pastor Tapon and ask you to do the same so he can go to new places easily and preach Gospel in remote area.
Monthly Visitation Report
Yesterday we (Daniel & Samir) went to visit two places including one was new place. The names of these places are Machiara in Tala and Dhulipur in Satkhira. Both of them are so far from each other, about 30 kilometers but there is no easy way to go to these places. First we visited Dhulipur village in Satkhira. It took about 4 hours to go that new place as we had to change many vehicles. It’s a very remote place and the road is very bad but Pastor Tapon brought us over there. This village is so very poor. There are no Churches/fellowships or any Christian organizations there. We went to a small community of about 25 families are and most of them are Hindu and a few Muslims. They do basic work like making basket by bamboo. There was a gathering place and we spoke with them. We, including my brother (Daniel Biswas) preached Gospel to them (John 3:16). There were some believers who were very glad to hear the Gospel. We prayed for them. I heard that about ten families every week gather in one place but they don’t
have a specific place where they can worship God. Sometimes they sit in the corridor or open field for church service. They prayed for some Bibles, song books and discipleship. We visited every house and witnessed to them. There are about 30 children and 15 youth in this community. There is a primary school but it’s so far from that area, about 5 kilometers. It’s very difficult these poor children, so they can’t go to school. We also noticed some widows and talked with and prayed for them. After we finished the visit to this area, we went to another place named Machiara, in Tala. It was already 5:30pm and was raining so as much as possible, we visited the houses. We talked with them and shared the gospel. We also talked to widows there and prayed for them and their families. After finishing our all visitation, we came back to Khulna at 10:30pm, we were so tired but we praise God because He saved us and gave much strength to complete the visitation.
We also took some information about the widows. Some widows can’t properly see, walk and have other problems. It’s very difficult for widows in Bangladesh. They have their eye, leg and hand problems. Some widows don’t have proper shelter. Some live alone. They said they only depend on God and I told them to continue to pray to Jesus. God is your Husband; He will give you comfort and strength. You can see widows in need by clicking here.
Prayer Request for Land
We have been praying for land for our mission work for 1 year. A suitable land where we can start an agriculture project would be an incredible blessing. The land is very important for Moringa and fish project. Through these projects we will earn money and become self-sustaining. That money will be used only for mission work. We can help poor people and children. We are looking for a suitable land and believe that God will help us to find this land. Please pray for Him to deliver this to us as soon as possible so we can start the project. God bless you and yours. Amen