Outreach to Impoverished Village in Northern Kenya

Most reading this post will never, ever experience the incredible poverty that billions experience in this world today. Our mission team based in Moyale, Kenya travel from town to town and village to village each and every day to call the lost to Jesus. Below is an update from brother William. You will see the decrepit homes these people live in. Next time you have a “complaint”, remember, over one billion people live on less than $1.50 per day, 50%+ live on less than $2.50 per day and 80% of the world lives on less than $10 per day. 1 Timothy 6:8 “And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.”
Hello brother, we glorify our Lord Jesus for the great time of ministering in a very poor village, they are so ignorant to the gospel message. They are so forgotten people who the world never sees. They sleep in these broken huts and we felt greatly for them. One of the woman cooked for us strong tea (tea without milk) and we prayed for them. They mostly know much about animals because that is all the have. We shared with them about the Good Shepherd who is Jesus. They received the message well.
I am continuing with my fasting and tomorrow as I focus on praying for peace in Kenya. We approaching the national election and people have started hate speech, inciting one another, and fighting. In the 2013 election, there was great human loss here in Moyale, many people were killed and many houses were burned. Many lost all their properties and they ran away for their life to another place. Please pray with us and thank the brethren for their financial support. This allows us to go on these outreaches and so much more.
–Brother William Kosi