Revelations from Moyale Kenya – March 2016 Update

The first message I received from brother William was on July 16th, 2013. Holding true to our policy of vetting partners and after hundreds of messages back and forth over the next seven months, we decided to take on brother William after we were sure he was legitimate and after we gave him the TRUE gospel of Christ, holiness & repentance! He is now a preacher of righteousness and was called to the remote area of Moyale, Kenya where the spiritual and physical condition is dire!
I am just finding out how dire the water situation is in Moyale! I was never alerted of this grave issue as brother William is so incredibly humble and counts it as a “part of life”. Well, wait until you view the pictures below. Not only do they have to walk 3-10+ miles to get this disgusting water, the water they drink is brown and filled with parasites and bacteria! Over 100 children under the age of 5 years old die DAILY in Kenya alone due to the lack of clean water!! This has prompted us to take action IMMEDIATELY as we start the GMFC Clean LIVING Water Program.
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