The Kibera Slums of Kenya Receive Jesus

A great update from pastor Joseph Otieno from one of the poorest places on earth, the Kibera Slums of Nairobi, Kenya. You may click here to help the Kibera brethren.

Hallelujah brethren! I  thank God for the wonderful day He has blessed us with. We are having great Sunday fellowships and this last week was no exception. It was titled “Back sliding” and much scripture was taught including Hebrews 10:39, Proverbs 26:11  and Luke 9:59-62 . Attendance was good and the church for the past few weeks is so small because the hut we usually use is still going under Renovation after it crumbled. Please pray it’s finished soon. We also distributed the superfood moringa and many are getting nutrition that they would never have otherwise as most eat only one small “meal” per day(if that). We thank you brother and GMFC for full support of the “Kibera Slum Church and our kids”. May God bless you all. Amen.