GMFC Bangladesh January 2017 Update

Below is the missions update from Bangladesh from brother Hilton.
Greetings from Bangladesh. God is great and merciful. God always helps us in our mission work. We are thankful to our God. And also give thanks our brothers and sisters who are praying and supporting our mission fields. Several months we are praying for GMFC School in Bangladesh. We worked hard to establish the school. At last we have completed the first GMFC School named Everlight Elementary School in Khulna, Bangladesh. This is a commercial school. But we will help poor children. They can study in our school for free. We are also assist the poor and our sponsor child. We are thankful to our all Brothers And Sisters who keep praying for the school. We also visited some other mission field where our pastor Tapan working. That field is at Tala in Satkhira district. We went to that field and there are almost 20 families of believers. Children number almost 30! Every week Pastor Tapan has served the Church. During the Church service they sit in the house or some time outside. They have no specific place for Church service. We looked at some land where we can make small Church building. So they prayed for a Church. Another thing is that they live so far from the town. Their communication is not so good and the school is on the town side. That is a big problem for their children. So these children miss out on education. They also prayed for school in that area. We talked with them and their children. Some young people are helping our pastor in his work. So we preached over there and prayed for them and their prayer request. We also visited another place in Jessor district. This is a Hindu area. Few of then believe in Christ, but we noticed that they have much want to know about Jesus Christ. When I preached to them they look at me and listen the Gospel carefully. We talked with them. They have a request to us. They want to watch Jesus film. Wow, amazing! Praise the Lord. They are really very poor. Their home is made by mud. We prayed for them.
In our every work God always helped us. So Pray for us and our mission field where we are working. We are praying for you. God bless you. Amen -Brother Hilton