Haliya Bangladesh GMFC Outreach February 2017

An incredible outreach to a remote area of Bangladesh was a great success! The original post about this outreach with a video is here.
Praise the Lord, greetings to all of our friends and brothers from Global Mission Bangladesh. This is our another mission trip in this year. We went to a new place named Haliya. That was a remote area. But God helped us including bringing the GMFC school teachers to visit that new place. In 27/02/17 we started our journey to this remote area from Khulna, by boat. First off, we all prayed to God for our journey and surrender ourselves to God. We believe that He is our protector; He can only help us where we will go. We started our journey at 07:00 am and got into the boat with many things including bible song book, bible tracks and cookware. We decided that we will do our morning devotion before breakfast when our boat got to the middle of the river. We remember our All Mighty God on the river. I preached on the boat and the foundational Bible verse was Mark – 16:15, the Great Commission.
Our whole team believes that God was directing our path and we dedicated all this to God for Gospel preaching to them who don’t know about Jesus and His Truth. That’s why our first Gospel preaching was to our boatman. There were two boatman with us. Both of them are Muslim. We finished our morning devotion by prayer with our leader Santo. After that, we finished our breakfast. We had a good and healthy breakfast with egg, bread and banana. We were sailing in long time. In this time, we were processing chicken, fish and potato for our lunch.
At last, we reached our target destination named Haliya village. This village is situated by the big river and side of Sunderbon. Our one team cooked our food at the bank of the river, and then we went preaching. We went to every house and every person in this village. We went to this village with Bible tracks, gospel coins and also some treats for the children. We went to many homes and talked with them, heard their problem, prayed for them, gave Gospel tracks and preached to them. We also gave Gospel tracts to people who were walking on paddy field and walking on the road. We noted that the villagers were good and humble; they gave permission to us to pray for them and also preaching. They helped us along the way and invited us to go into their homes. At the end of a long but great day, the sun was going down, everywhere it was getting dark. So, we did not go to every house in this village but so many. We came back from this village at 7:00 pm. We reached home at 9:00pm . The day was good and blessed. Overall, we thank our God, Jesus, for the day and for the mission trip. We believe that God was with us in that day and helped our every work. We request that you please pray for the village and villagers and please pray for us and our mission field.. We give thanks our all mission partners who are praying and support for us. – Hilton Biswas