Blessed are the Poor! Kibera Slum Update

One of the most beautiful verses in the bible is:
Luke 6:20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.
I want to post Albert Barne’s commentary on this verse (as well as the correlating verse of Matthew 5:3). What a wise and eloquent description of scripture:
Poor in spirit – Luke says simply, Blessed are the poor. It has been disputed whether Christ meant the poor in reference to the things of this life, or to the humble. The gospel is said to be preached to the poor, Luke 4:18; Mat 11:5. It was predicted that the Messiah would preach to the poor, Isa 61:1. It is said that they have special facilities for being saved, Mat 19:23; Luk 18:24. The state of such persons is therefore comparatively blessed, or happy. Riches produce care, anxiety, and dangers, and not the least is the danger of losing heaven by them. To be poor in spirit is to have a humble opinion of ourselves; to be sensible that we are sinners, and have no righteousness of our own; to be willing to be saved only by the rich grace and mercy of God; to be willing to be where God places us, to bear what he lays on us, to go where he bids us, and to die when he commands; to be willing to be in his hands, and to feel that we deserve no favor from him. It is opposed to pride, and vanity, and ambition.
Now let’s look at the blessed updates on what the indigenous GMFC missionaries in Kenya are doing for the “poor”…
All these quotes are from Pastor Joseph Otieno, our mission leader who resides in the impoverished Kibera Slums of Nairobi, Kenya. I will post these updates from the month of July and then you can view the picture slideshow following. God bless all who obey Him. AMEN
You can click here to sponsor brother Joseph monthly, click here to visit his ministry web page or click here to donate one-time.
Amen brother here is my house: Front view
Back view
Side view…bathroom and latrine
The superfood moringa is already in Kibera, I received it today. Glory to Jesus.
Bulk of 14kg
Another blessed muddy Sunday fellowship in kibera slum, teaching today “servant of most high God ” in the book of Daniel 3 .
Verse 16b, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. Going against the ruling of ungodly..
Kibera is peaceful brother, we’re praying and preaching peace in this political violent place.
Kibera brethren passed their greetings to you.
God bless GMFC partners,glory to God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Amen
Praise Jesus brother journey from my hut(home) to Church…
I and my wife making a moringa tea for church…
Praise Lord brother, very busy day for me today, collecting and packing special relief to Siaya village tomorrow, Wednesday. I’m going to collect the water filter and also to be trained on how to use it. I’ll travel on Thursday, God willing.
Some of the special relief to siaya……
My special village leg ( BIKE ). Thank God.
Fuel cooker
Cooking pot
Packed ready to go…
New blanket, no more cold…
Praise Jesus brother, a blessed journey to Siaya mission field, part one of my update,
1.presentation of gifts
2.presentation of; water filter & stand for water filter might be ready tomorrow Saturday. Here is the filter.
Thank you brother, for much dedication to needy. I arrived safe in Siaya mission field.
Blessing to them.
I thank God for our brethren for their support. A big blessing brother, my bike is in HIS service.
Glory to Jesus brother ,clean pure water Now is in siaya village, great blessings in the village.
Praise Jesus brother, glory to Lord Jesus, I’m in Kibera, safe journey from siaya mission field, Kibera slum is peaceful, we’re praying for peace. Fellowship was good in Kibera, I attended a local fellowship in the village with the widows in Siaya. A blessed fellowship. It was a holy spirit filled service, we saw the power of God, many received Jesus, evil spirits came out from people, glory, glory to Jesus. I prayed for youth to be holy and walk upright in front of God and our Lord
Thank you brethren for all the blessings, calling the lost to Jesus and all what we’re seeing here, children, widows and the poor support. It is because of your hard work for the needy. All the glory to Lord Jesus. -Brother Joseph Otieno
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