Category: Siaya Kenya
Physical & Spiritual Healing – October 2018 Updates

2 children under 5 years old dies of malaria every MINUTE in Africa & Asia. You can make a huge difference by donating as 100% you give goes directly to making and distributing these blessed devices and so much more like solar lights & chargers, Bibles, womens dresses & head coverings, etc to all of our mission fields. No donation is too small (or large). Thanks so much. We are also asking for help as we need to buy 3 sewing machines and supplies to start small tailoring businesses on each of our major mission fields. You may make a donationRead More
July 2018 Missions Update

June 2018 Missions Update

Kenya & Bangladesh Mission Field Updates – April 2018

Blessed Updates from all our Mission Fields Below Matthew 19:29 “And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.”
February 2018 Mission Field Updates

Click below to see this months updates.
Mission Update Page Announced

We will be posting all the monthly newsletter updates here. Praise the LORD! 04/03/2018 – April 2018 Update 03/05/2018 – March 2018 Update 01/28/2018 – Minor Correction to GMFC / WFF Update 01/28/2018 – GMFC Introduces Working Faith Fellowship 01/02/2018 – Help the Poor while Getting Healthy! 12/31/2017 – Last Day to Help the Impoverished in 2017
GMFC Mission Fields Update Sept 2017 – Kenya & Bangladesh

This month we are updating all mission fields in video. To JESUS be all the glory! AMEN Brother Joseph updates us from where he ministers and lives, the Kibera Slum of Nairobi, Kenya. One of the most impoverished places on earth. Click here for a more detailed update. Brothers William and Joshua minister to muslims and tribal people in Northern Kenya. Moyale is on the Ethiopian border where the brethren also breach. Many Muslims and tribal people are coming to Christ as the Gospel is preached to the captives. Brothers Hilton & Pastor Tarpon update us from our BangladeshRead More
Widows and Children Helped in Siaya Kenya

Brother Joseph updates below from the Kibera Slum and Siaya Kenya mission fields. Widows and children are being helped greatly as they are fed physical food and the Bread of Life! Praise Jesus brother, a good journey to and from Sega, Siaya mission field. Much greeting to you brother and all mission partners from Siaya widows. Shining hope for these widows brother after their monthly support. Earlier in the morning I visited these widows brother, they are struggling with farm work and I helped. Glory to Jesus. After noon we had a blessed fellowship. I feed them with the word and IRead More
Blessed are the Poor! Kibera Slum Update

One of the most beautiful verses in the bible is: Luke 6:20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God. I want to post Albert Barne’s commentary on this verse (as well as the correlating verse of Matthew 5:3). What a wise and eloquent description of scripture: Poor in spirit – Luke says simply, Blessed are the poor. It has been disputed whether Christ meant the poor in reference to the things of this life, or to the humble. The gospel is said to beRead More
The Cry for the Widow in Siaya Kenya

No words needed as these two videos speak a million words. Click below to view the conditions these precious souls live in. Cast off and forgotten! Help us serve these precious souls in the name of Jesus. Click here for more information and we pray you join us. [gm album=86 width=”320″ height=”240″]