Author: Jimmy Miller

Deliverance from 27 Years of Witchcraft – Borehole and Land in Moyale, Kenya

Talk about blessings from ABOVE! I will let brother William, our Moyale, Kenya mission leader explain below. I will add, you will see in the videos below incredible worship and also brother Joshua Galgallo open-air preaching. Greetings to you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, how are you and how do you do? I really thank God for this busy month of December. Many things happened and we have seen the powerful hand of God working. There were tribal clashes between Burji and Gabra tribes early this month here in Moyale but because of our prayer, God hasRead More

A Very Special Request from Bangladesh

As I observe all the missionaries laboring day and night in the poorest regions of the world, one project we have been working on for about one year is the very first GMFC Christian School in Khulna, Bangladesh. A very special brother has stepped up to be the “general contractor” on this project and what a job he has done! He has kept this on budget ($2500 TOTAL) and has been the leader on the construction(pictures below). His name is Santo and he is married with 2 boys and has sacrificed so much to serve Jesus. Here is myRead More

A Physical NOT Spiritual Drought in Moyale Kenya

Even though they had to walk miles, and miles and miles to get water (which is disgusting from ponds where the wild animals drink from), the GMFC brethren march on as warriors for Jesus! Here is this months update from brother William Kosi, our mission leader: Greeting to you my dear brother, how are you and how do you do? We give praise to our Lord Jesus for His love and peace upon our life and ministry. This month we had much trouble and some was due to lack of water as all the ponds we use dried up.Read More

Help us Start Moringa Farm

Moringa is the most powerful superfood, a marvelous work of God. This super-food is the most complete on the planet!  It: Helps alleviate malnutrition Provides much needed jobs in the poorest areas of the world Provides much needed income to help the poor, the orphan and the widow Helps us evangelize on all our mission fields while helping their physical state Join us today! James 1:27 – Luke 10:2 – Psalm 82:3 – Isaiah 1:17 – Luke 6:20 – Luke 4:18

All the Pieces Coming Together in Bangladesh!

The fixed costs are all taken care of in Bangladesh for our 1st Christian school. You will see in the pictures below, we were able to buy an electric “easy-bike” which is a popular mode of transportation in Bangladesh. It will not only provide transportation for our teachers back and forth to the school, it’s also going to be used as a taxi that will provide a job for a young Christian brother and also provide a monthly salary, from the profits, for one pastor. The picture to the right shows brother Shamir Day on the left, who is going toRead More

A Christian Education in Bangladesh

Imagine a sound, biblically based Christian school in a country that is 89.7% Muslim and 9.2% Hindu? It’s true praise GOD. The 1st GMFC Christian school in Bangladesh is on schedule for a Jan 1st start! We need your help! Brother Hilton’s updates us: Sponsorship Report of October Praise the Lord; Greetings to of our friends and brothers from Bangladesh. We are updating our monthly report for the month October, 2016. Again, we are thankful to almighty God for His blessing. Really He is great, all the glory to Him. Without His command anything cannot move. He establishes His plan inRead More

Brother William Wario From GMFC Moyale Kenya Updates on the Ethiopia Outreach

The update below from brother William, our Moyale mission leader is absolutely amazing! In the face of death, they march on to preach the gospel of Jesus in Ethopia! We greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus. We give glory to the Lord for all that He has done this incredible month. Early this month, I and my brother Joshua had the privilege to go and preach in Ethiopia. We were given seven topics to chose from, one for each of us to preach. I chose Holiness: and Joshua the “True Church”. Holiness is a command of God. InRead More

GMFC Mexico Partner Update

Brother Wayne and sister Meggie are reaching millions with their AM radio station in Mexico! In a dark world, they are proclaiming HIS light to thousands of cities, towns and villages. You can be part of this! Luke 10:2  Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.  

Moyale Kenya Update – Preaching, Orphans and Ethiopia Outreach!

Moyale Kenya mission leader, brother William Wario, updates us from the mission field. As usual, miracles abound! Hello dear brother, I hope you are doing good. I am well and fine praise Jesus! God is doing wonders in our daily meeting for the glory of God. We are seeing people knowing the the truth and repenting. Some people were in the church for a while, but while we continue teach them the way to heaven which only true repentance (prov 28:13), confessing and returning from sin, they actually pour out their hearts to the Lord. We are continually doingRead More

GMFC Mexico Partner Update


Be Part of Our 1st Christian School in Bangladesh

(ORIGINALLY POSTED Sep 12, 2016) The very 1st Christian school in Bangladesh is being built as we speak and we will be employing the teachers in a few weeks! We are reaching out to the community to get students for the January 1st opening, Praise God but we need some help. We have the building funded but need money to support the monthly expenses. So far, as of November 3rd, 2016, we have $140 per month committed (UPDATE 7-10-2019: WE HAVE ZERO MONTHLY DONORS) but we need $724 per month to run the entire school. Now, it costs aboutRead More