Post Election Chaos Coupled with Blessings in the Kibera Slums of Kenya

Pastor Joseph, our indigenous mission leader in the Kibera Slums of Nairobi Kenya updates us from the last few weeks with many videos, including the post election chaos, children saying thank you Jesus for the Moringa superfood and much more. Blessings in the Kibera slums:
UPDATE August 11th, 2017: We’re praying for the Kibera Slum right now. After announcing the reelection of president Uhuru Kenyatta, protests started, many fighting with police, tear gas every where, sound of fire arms, destruction of properties, etc. Praying for calm and no one to get murdered. Early in the day there was a stand still, waiting for announcement. People are out of their huts ready to fight for earthly things. Pray for Kibera please. All the brethren and the children we’re taking care of are OK. Thank you brethren, God bless.
UPDATE Early Morning August 13th, 2017: All day there was heavy fighting, rowdy youth throwing stones at armed police. There was calm at night and we are praying to see peace today, Sunday. No movement out of Kibera & shops closed. God bless you brethren for your prayers. The Prince of Peace shall supply it in abundance.
UPDATE late Day August 13th, 2017: A very cool Sunday in the slum and sadly, some lost their life in yesterdays rioting. The Kibera brethren are OK and are all are safe praying for their life and their family. It’s not an easy life here in the Kibera slum. Food prices are now double and these people are hand to mouth, no going to work, no food coming inside the slum. I thank God brother for GMFC and partners for their support to the mission. I stand with the orphans, widows and the very needy of them transparently. Nobody will die of hunger under of my care. Thanks for moringa superfood too , we’re experiencing the benefits of the moringa as it’s so good for our health. Many are improving! l pray for and minister to them often, physically & spiritually. Some of the corridors of the slum are not safe, many didn’t come to Church. Sermon today was on the love of God and what can separate us from the love of God. John 3:16, Romans 8:35-39, SIN 1 John 1:6, Ephesians 4:31-32, Proverbs 8:13, Abstain from Sin, Romans 6:11-14, Jude 23, 1John 2:9-17. AMEN
UPDATE late Day August 20th, 2017: Glory to God, a very peaceful day in Kibera slum. “Normalcy” has returned to Kibera,,, Fellowship was good and many churches reopened today. Glory to Jesus. A good fellowship with brethren as we thanked God for peace and stability. Topic for today: our call as a “WITNESS” Isaiah 43 : 10, Proverbs 14 : 25, Acts 10 : 41 – 43. I thank God brother for the GMFC teachings, we’re heeding them and becoming a great Church in the slum of Kibera. Jesus be glorified!
UPDATE August 31st, 2017: I preached the Truth to the widows in SIAYA about the love of God and how they should love their Maker and what can separate us from the love of God?
Sponsored children saying Asante Yesu =Thank you Jesus:
Fellowship after service: Moringa superfood:
Disturbing video after election fighting:
The Siaya Kenya Widows Worship in Spirit & Truth:
Pastor Joseph Preaching to the Widows: