Author: Jimmy Miller

Outreach to Impoverished Village in Northern Kenya

Most reading this post will never, ever experience the incredible poverty that billions experience in this world today. Our mission team based in Moyale, Kenya travel from town to town and village to village each and every day to call the lost to Jesus. Below is an update from brother William. You will see the decrepit homes these people live in. Next time you have a “complaint”, remember, over one billion people live on less than $1.50 per day, 50%+ live on less than $2.50 per day and 80% of the world lives on less than $10 per day. 1 Timothy 6:8 “AndRead More

Fellowship Church Starts Construction & Land for Farm is the Prayer for GMFC Bangladesh

Brother Hilton updates us below from Bangladesh: Praise the Lord, greetings to you from the Bangladesh mission. Last few month we had a great prayer for mission church, and thanks to almighty God, today we have started our church construction and base work. Today, we visited our Tala mission field. It’s about 60 km from Khulna, our home base. Our leader and pastor on this mission field, Tapon, started working and prayer prior to our arrival. Our church members were spreading soil to prepare the church base as we arrived. I believe within three days the base work willRead More

Moyale Kenya on the Move

Brother William and the GMFC Moyale team bring in supplies to build the church on their motorbike. No trucks in Moyale! Also, they ploughed one acre of land and are starting to plant thousands of Moringa superfood seeds. All for the glory of Jesus! Partner with the GMFC Moyale team today to help them continue to make disciples. God bless.

The Kibera Kenya Church is Growing

Pastor Joseph updates from the Kibera Slums of Kenya: Praise Jesus brethren, Kibera is so thankful for the support from Global Mission for Children. We are so blessed! The widows & orphans that are so needy are so happy because of the church and feeding program, all for the glory of Jesus. A blessed Sunday message of today was based on verses from Nehemiah 4:14-18 and Ephesians 6:10-18. AMEN BLESSED WORSHIP POWERFUL PREACHING  Pastor Joseph Church Fellowship Kibera Slums GMFC Kenya      

The Superfood Moringa Arrives in the Kibera Slums of Nairobi Kenya

Kibera Slum Moringa Workinng Faith Fellowship Blog 900x300

What an incredible blessing! We have successfully delivered dozens of pounds of Moringa to our mission field in the Kibera Slums of Nairobi, Kenya!  SPONSOR BROTHER JOSEPH BELOW

Severe Drought in Kenya – March 2017 Update – REJOICE!

UPDATE MARCH 29th, 2017~! The LORD has answered our prayers. Not only did it rain, the LORD JESUS sent a flood of water to northern Kenya today. AMEN! James 5:18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. Job 5:8-11 I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause: Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number: Who giveth rain upon the earth, and sendeth waters upon the fields: To set up on high those that be low; that those which mourn may be exaltedRead More

The Mission Field is Expanding in Tala Satkhira Bangladesh

Brother Hilton gives us this fantastic update as they reach more lost in Bangladesh and establish biblical fellowships. Praise the Lord. We are thankful to our Lord for this mission tour. Our team ( Hilton Biswas, Daniel Bishwas, Kana Biswas and Showan) visited this week the Tala, Satkhira mission field. Pastor Tapon is our mission leader and Pastor of there. Last month, our Heavenly Father gave us bibles and song books and a sitting mat through His obedient people. We are thankful to Lord and to our brothers and sisters. We prayed for a small Church house and my Lord provideRead More

The Kibera Slums of Nairobi Kenya Hear the Gospel

Brother Joseph updates us from the Kibera Slums. Jesus is moving in so many ways.  Praise Jesus brother, it was another great Sunday fellowship with the Lord, the message was about….. KNOWING GOD: 1 .You can not be saved without knowing God… Psalms. 91 : 14 2 . How can we know He is… Elijah / 1 Kings 18:36-37  Nebuchadnezzar / Daniel 4:33-37 3. Who is Father? John 14:8-11 4. If you are in sin you do not know God. You must be righteous to know God.  I also handed out some gospel tracts.  We also had a fellowshipRead More

Salvations in the Kibera Slums of Nairobi Kenya

Pastor Joseph and the team continue to reach lost souls in the Kibera Slums in Kenya. He is also taking care of the orphans and widows. Please help him reach more as the need is so great. He and his team labor day and night in one of the poorest areas of the world where they also live, the Kibera Slums of Nairobi Kenya.  Praise Jesus brother, Sunday service was a blessed one. I led four young brethren to Jesus! It was a great day for young men receiving Jesus as their Lord & Savior. – Pastor Joseph Otieno

Read How Jesus is Moving in Kenya!

Pastor Moses updates from Bungoma Kenya. This is what true disciples of Jesus do! Help these brethren as they labor day and night to save souls. Imagine just $45 per week to provide life-saving Moringa (superfood) for 100+ children!    Praise be to God. It has been a very busy month working at the farm and monitoring the progress of our Moringa.Besides working at the farm, the ministry duties seem to increase each day. I thank God for his grace that is enabling me to serve him.   I would like to let you and the the brethren know theRead More

Haliya Bangladesh GMFC Outreach February 2017

An incredible outreach to a remote area of Bangladesh was a great success! The original post about this outreach with a video is here. ​Praise the Lord, greetings to all of our friends and brothers from Global Mission Bangladesh. This is our another mission trip in this year. We went to a new place named Haliya. That was a remote area. But God helped us including bringing the GMFC school teachers to visit that new place. In 27/02/17 we started our journey to this remote area from Khulna, by boat. First off, we all prayed to God for ourRead More