Author: Jimmy Miller

Widows and Children Helped in Siaya Kenya

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Brother Joseph updates below from the Kibera Slum and Siaya Kenya mission fields. Widows and children are being helped greatly as they are fed physical food and the Bread of Life! Praise Jesus brother, a good journey to and from Sega, Siaya mission field. Much greeting to you brother and all mission partners from Siaya widows. Shining hope for these widows brother after their monthly support. Earlier in the morning I visited these widows brother, they are struggling with farm work and I helped. Glory to Jesus. After noon we had a blessed fellowship. I feed them with the word and IRead More

Indigenous Kenyan Missionaries On The Move

UPDATE 8-24-2017 Indigenous Kenyan missionaries on the move as the GMFC brethren return to Moyale from the northern Kenya outreach! They are looking to establish more churches in the most remote and impoverished parts of the world. Greetings to you our dear and lovely brethren, we thank God for His love and care. We also thank God because of GMFC. You have been a huge blessing to orphans, needy and widows in many ways. We thank God all GMFC donors for their great work in the Lord. Our field Moyale is WOW! So marvelous, God is calling souls toRead More

An Entire Family of Muslims Turn to Jesus in Moyale

What a testimony below from our mission leader from Moyale, Kenya (near the Ethiopian border). Many muslims continue to renounce Islam and give the lives to Jesus! In fact, An entire family of Muslims turn to Jesus in Moyale. Halleluia! Help the Moyale brethren reach more souls. Amazing testimony brethren! While I was in the village witnessing Jesus today, I found a man following me and he finally called me and said he wanted to talk with me secretly. I gave him attention and he shared with me his life history. He is married and has seven Children. There wasRead More

Murder & Blessings in the Kibera Slums of Kenya

Brother Joseph updates us from the GMFC mission field in the Kibera Slums .  August 6th, 2017 Update: Praise Jesus brother, A good Sunday, we still find brethren who are able to raise the Kingdom of God. Many urban areas of Kenya are deserted, people run to their tribal villages in fear of election violence. Praying for peace be maintained now and after election. Glory to Jesus, we had a great fellowship in Kibera slum today, the topic was the Faith of Noah. Genesis 7:1 & Hebrews 11:7. We can’t forget to pray for you and GMFC partners! ManyRead More

New Testament Worship

Below you will find examples of appropriate New Testament worship. It’s not this loud rock, rap or even the godless CCM (contemporary “Christian” music) that is played in most “churches” today. It’s true worship from the heart & soul! For a complete teaching on what biblical, New Testament worship is, click here.  PSALM 119 HYMNS

Blessed are the Poor! Kibera Slum Update

One of the most beautiful verses in the bible is: Luke 6:20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God. I want to post Albert Barne’s commentary on this verse (as well as the correlating verse of Matthew 5:3). What a wise and eloquent description of scripture: Poor in spirit – Luke says simply, Blessed are the poor. It has been disputed whether Christ meant the poor in reference to the things of this life, or to the humble. The gospel is said to beRead More

Are you a Disciple?

I wanted to encourage you to make sure we are all walking with Jesus as HE want’s us to; as true disciples. 1Jn 2:6  He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. 1st,  start off reading Luke 14 which is a personal call to discipleship from Jesus. Please remember brethren, EVERY member of your fellowship/church must be a disciple who MAKES disciples, lest they perish eternally. If they are not, you need to reorganize your life and teachings to make sure they are. Again, everyone in your church/fellowship must beRead More

The Cry for the Widow in Siaya Kenya

No words needed as these two videos speak a million words. Click below to view the conditions these precious souls live in. Cast off and forgotten! Help us serve these precious souls in the name of Jesus. Click here for more information and we pray you join us. [gm album=86 width=”320″ height=”240″]  

A GMFC Kenya Wedding Made in Heaven

No words can express how joyful we are to announce one of our dear mission leader’s, brother Joshua Galgallo, got married to a woman of God, named Daki, last Saturday (June 15, 2017) in the remote part of Northern Kenya(on the Ethiopian border) where he lives and ministers day and night, alongside our brother William Wario. Moyale, Kenya is “a 3rd world country in a 3rd world country”. One out of 10 children are orphans, only 18% of infants are appropriately fed, no electricity or running water, etc. Joshua & William are indigenous missionaries and are ministering day andRead More

Cholera, Poverty & JESUS in the Kibera Slums of Kenya

Pastor Joseph Otieno updates us from the impoverished Kibera Slums of Nairobi Kenya. On top of being impoverished, they are experiencing a cholera outbreak. Join us in helping these precious souls as we minister the Bread of Life as well as physical healing like Moringa superfood to help build their immune systems. We need much help as so many are sick. Praise Jesus brethren… A good Sunday fellowship today (17-7-2017) in the Kibera Slum, it’s peaceful here today. They topic today was, NOAH, JOB & GOD’s testimony… Genesis 6:5-9, and, Noah walked with God. Job 1:1-8. That there isRead More

Moyale Kenya Worships With The Holy Spirit

Hello brethren, We thank God for the shower of the Holy Spirit today’s for Sunday worship. Please pray for use as the national elections are a month away and the fighting and looting is horrible. Here you will see a few pictures of our church and a worship video too. God bless all the brethren and thanks so much for your support. Many souls are giving their lives to Christ because of your partnership. God bless -Brother William Wario  Ephesians 4:16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according toRead More