Author: Jimmy Miller
Our dear brother William Kosi, the GMFC mission leader in Northern Kenya, a traveling evangelist, was unable to give us his monthly report as of yet due to vicious fighting in his immediate area! I request, from saints of God, to pray for brother William. You can visit his page here and help him if you feel moved. A note from William below. Hello brother,I praise God because of His love and care. There is fighting going on in Dukale Moyale, Kenya since 19th Thursday up to today, between O L F, Kenyan police and Ethiopian police. Three Kenyan police wereRead More
GMFC Bangladesh November 2015 Update Including Hilton’s Moving Audio Testimony
Brother Hilton has an incredible report this month as usual. But even more incredible, he gave us his testimony on audio! Click here to listen to this incredibly moving testimony. All the glory to Jesus! So many people make these outreaches possible. The only purpose,at least the main one, we have as true Christians is to preach the gospel to the lost. A gospel that is not ear-candy like the one being preached on most all the churches in America and the developed world. It’s the unapologetic, intolerant gospel of Jesus Christ and it’s GOOD NEWS! Few will enter theRead More
GMFC 2018 Bangladesh Winter Blanket Campaign
Please join us as we help bring warmth to the people of Bangladesh. We first and foremost bring them the Bread of Life and Living Water who is Jesus. The blankets are a great way to share the gospel with them as they open many doors. They are greatly needed as the winter bears down on Bangladesh and these very poor people can not afford them. God bless you!
And the blessings continue on our Bangladesh mission fields. Brother Hilton and his team continue to minister to new, unreached mission fields by going from house to house, village to village, to preach the gospel of Christ Jesus! What a blessing it is to serve a mighty God. Please click here for the full report and God bless you as you labor for HIM. GMFC Bangladesh October 2015 Update [gmedia id=31]
Greeting to GMFC- I am doing well and God is doing new things every day. Our ministry is growing and I thank God for His favor this month. We are able to start a project of plantation to support our ministry because we have no support from any other source except GMFC and what we need to do is more because our ministry is growing. We went for great mission outreach for six days October 20-26 at TURBI and RAWAN. The majority of the occupants of Turbi are muslims and few catholics, which have no different from muslims. TheyRead More
We have a special payer request this month as our Moyale, Kenya mission leader brother William Kosi’s father went to see the Lord this month. Keep brother William in your prayers as he rejoices as his father has gone home! Below is his update from this month. “Greetings to you in the name of our LORD Jesus, how are you doing brother Jimmy? I hope you are doing well praise GOD. I am doing well too though challenges are many this month. We have been busy proclaiming gospel of Holiness and repentance and we have seen GOD working. WeRead More
GMFC Bangladesh Mission Update – September 2015
Click below for an incredible update from our GMFC Bangladesh mission field. Brother Hilton and 11 from his ministry team went to one of the most spiritually demonic areas of the world, the Sundarban, on September 18th. His report is truly a gift from God. Continue to pray for these missionaries, saints. Click below to support brother Hilton and the GMFC Bangladesh team. [gmedia id=12]
Help Send 7 Missionaries to Sundarban Bangladesh
ANOTHER OUTREACH ON FEBRUARY 27, 2017! Pastor Tarpon and brother Hilton will be leading the team to Sundarban today with gospel tracts, bibles and righteous saints preaching repentance FROM sin and holiness. Glory to GOD! (From Sept 2015) Please join us in sending brother Hilton and many of his missionaries to one of the most spiritually wicked place on earth. The dwellers of Sundarban gradually developed a culture of their own over generations. They are deprived of almost every facilities of modern civilization. Hindus and Muslims worship the same gods irrespective of their religious beliefs. The cult of worshiping trees, snakes,Read More
GMFC Moyale Kenya August 2015
The update from our brother William and his mission team of 26 from Moyale Kenya is simply incredible! In his words: “We had wonderful time of evangelism and God enabled us to reach many souls and win for Christ in Illamu, Ethiopia which is east of Moyale. It is a very dry area occupied by religious and traditional people. We had to evangelize door to door moving from one house to another. It is tiresome, but I must do it because it is commission from my Lord Jesus. Some people reject us and others insult us. I really thankRead More
GMFC Bangladesh Mission Update August 2015
What an incredible month! Click below to view our update from brother Hilton and the GMFC team preaching in the remote villages of Bangladesh. God bless you and thanks for all your prayer and support. Together we are working to fulfill the Great Commission. Preaching repentance from sins and living holy as commanded is the true love of God. Praise HIM!
GMFC Bangladesh Update July 2015
Another incredible blessing happened on our Bangladesh mission field this month. After 3 years of prayer, we were finally able to bless Pastor Hilton with a used motorbike. Glory to GOD! His words follow. “Hello my honorable brother in Christ, how are you? We are well and blessed and also very happy. Brother, I have attached this months update and this month we have done huge work, but its just a fraction of what we need to do compared to the great need out there. As you know, the average income here for a family is $100/month. We haveRead More