Practical Reasons Africans and Others in the 3rd World are Stuck in Poverty

Ignorant people say to us “why do you send all your money to ‘them over there’ when we have poor in this country”? “Why don’t these people work hard to take care of themselves”? Answer below: CLICK LINKS BELOW Find all our mission fields here Bible commands on serving the poor Sponsor an impoverished child here Donate one time or monthly here Find our teaching website here

Kibera Slum & Siaya Kenya July 23rd – Sept 3rd 2024 Updates

Complete Video Update of the Hard Working Souls that Labour for Jesus Day & Night

Kenya – Uganda – Tanzania Update July 23rd – September 3rd 2024



May 15th – July 22nd 2024 Global Mission For Children – Working Faith Fellowship Updates


Kenya – Ethiopia – Uganda – Tanzania – India & Bangladesh April – May14th 2024 Update

February & March 2024 ALL Mission Field Updates in Picture & Video

A great insight to what we are doing day and night on the fertile 3rd World mission fields, for Jesus. Pictures and videos sent to us during March & April 2024. Click the gridview as highlighted below to see thumbnails first. Western Kenya & Uganda & Tanzania February & March 2024 Nagaland, India February & March 2024 Moyale Kenya & Ethiopia February & March 2024 Kibera Slum & Siaya Kenya February & March 2024 Barasat & Greater Kolkata India February & March 2024 Bangladesh February & March 2024

Overseer of Kibera Slum (Nairobi) & Siaya Kenya Discusses Our Mission Together

Overseer of Kibera Slum (Nairobi) & Siaya Kenya Discusses Our Mission Together

Listen to Joseph tell us a small percentage of what we have accomplished together since partnering together in 2017. CLICK HERE TO HELP BRO JOSEPH REACH MORE SOULS

All Things in Common – and YOU? Millions Suffer from Jiggers in Africa.

This exhortation was inspired by our missions in Kenya where 1.5 million souls suffer from debilitating Jiggers. A cure can be administered for $5 USD per person yet millions suffer per year in Africa! WWJD? What are you commanded to do? Listen below. INSPIRED BY THE BELOW EMERGENCY 1st World Christian! Does Anyone Care? JIGGERS! The Brethren in Action Treating a Horrible Jigger Outbreak

Working Faith Fellowship Nagaland & Barasat India January & February 2024 Update


Working Faith Fellowship Bangladesh – Global Mission for Children Feb 2024 Mission Update

Please watch the wonderful update below and also kindly help these precious souls by clicking here.

The Brethren in Action Treating a Horrible Jigger Outbreak

Simply: click here for all the Endebees, Kenya photos and videos and click here for the Kibera Slum & Siaya, Kenya photos and videos directly from the mission fields in the last 30 days.December 7th, 2023 we were asked for help to eradicate Jiggers we found eating the feet, hands, elbows, etc. For just $5 per person, we learned and acted to do the 14 day treatment and they are walking again. We reached out to a “non-profit” initially multiple times that is supposed to work to eradicate Jiggers in Kenya but as per usual, no return call orRead More

EMERGENCY 1st World Christian! Does Anyone Care? JIGGERS!

Jiggers Banner Kenya eradicate Treat Help

PLEASE HELP…. 100% goes directly to the impoverished.

Founder & Volunteer Jimmy MAKES IT 2 Bangladesh After a Decade of Ministry 11-2023

FINALLY! Here’s the story….

An Incredible Transformation from False Believer to Being on Fire for Jesus


Fishing for Souls & Farming for Life in Siaya & Kibera Kenya


The INCREDIBLE Sacrifices to get Medical Attention for the Impoverished


The 80% Impoverished in Turkana are NOT Forgotten by Jesus


$200 Pays for a 2 Year Apprentice Program to Break Generational Poverty for a Lifetime

Please watch the introduction video below… Then, donate by clicking here.




GMFC _ WFF Bangladesh Update August 2023 Africa Asia


Our Overseer Jimmy is Heading to India to get his 18th Surgery Under General Anesthesia

Long before I gave my everything to Jesus and crucified my flesh, I was living like a “rock star”. That led to a horrible automobile accident in 1993. My head went through the window while my feet smashed into the floorboard. My ankle was immediately broke and they were picking glass out of my head for a while. My back and neck also suffered greatly and the last many years it got to a point where I could barely walk some days. I tried a surgeon in the US and he only took out a sliver of bone duringRead More

82 Powerful Seconds Explains Exactly What We Do

Does Your Son or Daughter or Sibling Live in a Dump?

Kolkata Dump Mission Jesus Christian Donate

These people are not lazy… They did not get themselves in this situation like so many (not all) on the streets of the 1st World do. To absolutely no fault of their own, these precious souls were viciously lied to and have ended up living in a garbage dump just for trying to provide for their family! We have been asked “where have you been”… “are you still doing missions for Jesus”, etc? ANSWER: MORE THAN EVER! : ) We opened up the country of India for our mission (Kolkata & Barasat) in January and the last few monthsRead More

Hilton’s Testimony

Testimony of Hilton Biswas – Our mission overseer since 2013 in Bangladesh. It was 1984, the 29th of October, I was born in Gopalgonj, Bangladesh. My father was a continental cook and he worked in CARE Bangladesh. We had our own home at that time. My father had a small business in Khulna District but when I was in 6 years old, the business had failed due to bad economic situation in our country. And that time his job contract period was finished and we went into debt. At last we sold our home and moved from Khulna to Dhaka.Read More

Life Saving Gardens Needed IMMEDIATELY as 157,000,000 & Counting are Starving

Simply put, the 3rd World is starving. Lockdowns, then one of the worst droughts in history in the Horn of Africa and now an unrighteous war initiated by the globalist warmongers in the 1st World are literally starving hundreds of millions to death! Did you know 75% of Africa’s grain came from Ukraine? Did you know that food prices in the 3rd World have doubled and tripled and that resulted in massive starvation, as on a “normal” day before all this man-made debauchery, the average African, for example, spent in excess of 85% on food daily. So, double andRead More


Most recent Global Mission for Children WFF GMFC Missions Update

Below you will find the latest updates for each mission field in Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Bangladesh. All future updates will be posted at these links and are updated weekly. Working Faith Fellowship is the name of the Global Mission for Children Fellowships (Churches).

Life Gardens are Being Prepared and Sown

I reported 2 months ago that we were praying to send 14 brethren to a 30 day organic gardening training in Kitale, Kenya. After reconsidering and being offered the complete training online so we could start the gardens much quicker, we decided to go for it 100% online. After a few dozen hours of online training, the indigenous missionaries of GMFC are already starting their Life Gardens. We are beginning with one per mission field in Moyale, Moi’s Bridge and Siaya Kenya and also Khulna, Bangladesh. We will then start 6 more this year to accommodate all brethren thatRead More

2 Night 3 Day Youth Fellowship in Bangladesh

Global Mission for Children Bangladesh Schoolchildren

We started 3 fellowship schools earlier this year and are planning on having a 3 day youth fellowship for 25 fifth through 12th grade students. This will be an incredible opportunity for them as many have never left the village they were born in. It will be help at our farm in Khulna where brothers Hilton and Daniel live. These children will learn about raising chicken and ducks as well as farming techniques. Further, they will learn how to cultivate fish as well as shrimp which we have been doing for years in the mission pond. Each day andRead More

Latest Updates from Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia & Bangladesh


Yet another widow raped and dear brethren on an evangelistic mission were chased by a knife wielding man that tore up their water supply and bedding, BUT, they shall not back down and continue to preach the Gospel to these sinners as commanded. In fact, they asked for a tent so they can stay longer in the areas they are preaching that are far away from their home base. Click here for William’s update. A lifelong Muslim gives her life to Jesus and is hungry for The Truth. A lifelong Muslim gives her life to Jesus and is hungryRead More

How Many Children Sponsored in 9 Years?


This month marks the 9 year anniversary of our founding GMFC. Coming from a fast paced world as an entrepreneur before I gave my life to Christ, my goals were incredibly hefty but I was confident that I, as a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) could fulfill them, now for Jesus. So, in May of 2012, I set my goals of how many children I would like to get sponsored through this ministry I started. They were 3 million in 3 years and 5 million in 5 years. Hefty, but based on my past success in business, I trulyRead More

Building a New Widows Home in Uganda for 4 Precious Souls

Building a Widows Home in Uganda Global Mission for Children the Best Christian Charity

Below we are going to chronicle building a widows home for the dear sisters in Uganda. You may CLICK HERE to help & check back. It started with a message from dear brother Haron, our Western Kenya and Uganda overseer letting me know the need for a widows home: DECEMBER 14TH, 2020: Praise Jesus. We managed by God’s grace to visit and meet brethren for fellowship. We were also privileged to hold a bigger meeting at brother Masafus home. Providing new Swahili bibles has indeed been a huge blessing to Ugandan brethren. A sister aged 60 years openly confessedRead More

Help us Start 3 Christian Schools in Bangladesh in Jan 2021


After being forced to close our Khulna, Bangladesh school back in December 2019, we are praying to start 3 Christian schools in Bangladesh in January 2021. Yes, just a month away. We had a very successful school for 3 years in Bangladesh from 2017-2019 until the government told us to shut it down. This time, we are launching them on our 3 remote mission fields and the government is actually encouraging this smaller homeschool/church style setup as Covid has changed how many look at education all over the world. So, in spite of the ungodly hype and ridiculous lockdowns,Read More

Bibles 4 Kenya, Bangladesh, Ethiopia & Uganda

Uganda Kenya Bibles Banner Jesus Christian God Donate World Vision MAILCHIMP

We are in need of Holy Bibles for all our mission fields, especially our new fellowship in Uganda. Please help us purchase 100 Bibles for our Africa missions and 50 for our Bangladesh brethren. They cost $7 each yet are priceless. Other than the necessities of physical life like food and water to keep one alive, the Bible, the living Word of God, is a necessity for all brethren to have for spiritual growth. Thanks to all who give to this worthy cause. John 1:1-5 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and theRead More

200+ Dead from Flooding in Kenya and Brethren’s Homes are Completely Demolished


Brother Haron reports from Western, Kenya as over 100,000 displaces and dozens dead from brutal flooding: Greetings from Moi’s Bridge Kenya. This is sad news concerning some of our brethren in our church. Currently, many parts of Kenya are hit by floods and rainy winds blowing violently. many roofs blown off and countless houses completely demolished. I was forced to halfway call off my goat training to attend to this emergency. Thanks to brothers Hamisi and Wandabwa who were quick to respond and offer help to this widow who wanted to pull down the remains of her damaged house.TheRead More

The Kenyan Brethren Labouring to Provide


These brethren are not gardening for “fun”, it’s for survival in the most impoverished places on earth. Please help us support brothers Haron & William as they labour for Jesus day and night. SPONSOR A CHILD SPONSOR A WIDOW

The World’s Grievous Statistics

worldometers worldwide statistics

Scroll down to “Food” and see how many people have died today due to hunger. Click the blue word “today” and it will switch to the yearly stats. Click the “+” sign for the source(s). Then, look at the menu at the top of this page and take action to help these precious impoverished souls.

Stand in the Gap

stand in the gap Ezekiel 22 30

This coming week I am flipping my home again for the glory of Jesus. During this time, my monetary resources will be directed in fixing up the home I will be moving in to and leaves so very little that I usually use for mission support. I am also making an investment that will help the mission for years to come which requires my time and financial resources too. This deficit will last a few months so I am asking for your help. It’s not for me personally as the day I started GMFC in May 2012 I promisedRead More

God Provides Essential Nutrition in Kibera Kenya

kIBERA slUM Nutrition


Help Us Heal Thousands


Help Launch the GMFC Medical Mission

Kenya Medical Mission Christian Children Bangladesh

Imagine you, yes you can be part of something so very special. For just $3 per month per person, you can provide neem oil and moringa powder to one child (or adult). This gives them their complete daily nutritional needs in a slum where there is no nutrition. Their staple is rice and is 90%+ of their intake (when they can afford a bit as many go without some days). Their immune systems are so very weak and this is why 22,000 children under the age of 5 years old die DAILY. Join me. -James Miller Join me inRead More


A message inspired by the dear indigenous missionaries in the 3rd world. I thank GOD for you all! GOD RESCUES LOT Genesis 19:12-15 “And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place: 13 For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it. 14 And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, whichRead More

2019 Year End Updates

sponsor a child in Kenya

*|MC:SUBJECT|* A dear brother graduates to Heaven and leaves his wife and children. Will you help us take care of the "least of these"? Matthew 25:33-46 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Important Missions Update December 2019 The "World" Knows Not Jesus As the 1st World spent countless trillions on their flesh this past month alone, the 3rd World continues to perish in horrible poverty. These forgotten impoverished souls are cast aside and the greatest oppressors are professing "Christians" (the "99%+" who proclaim Jesus but their hearts are incredibly far from Him) Matt 15:8. I pray you are notRead More

Medical Emergency & Bangladesh School Match

Mois Bridge September 15th Update Banner collage

IMPORTANT EMERGENCY UPDATE 9-18-2019: I just received a text (2:50am 9-18-2019) from William that the Nairobi area hospital they traveled to for over 14 hours did an MRI and will not accept his young son is law, Abudub, as he is too sick (IMAGINE)! They are sending him back to the old “hospital” he was at for over a year and he is told that he will most likely never walk again and to go back on TB medicine for another year with palliative care. He has not walked in well over a year and has been in theRead More

First Quarter 2019 Updates

Collage brother John Omondi house burns down Kibera Slum

JANUARY 2019 MISSIONS UPDATE“Murder & faith on the mission fields” FEBRUARY 2019 MISSIONS UPDATE“Sister Anzeth graduates to Heaven” MARCH 2019 MISSIONS UPDATE“A fire devastates the impoverished in the Kibera Slum…AGAIN!”

Mission Field Update December 2018

JOSEPHAT TESTIMONY kenya africa christians donate

A blessed update from our mission fields in Kenya, Ethiopia & Bangladesh.  Click below to view.

Physical & Spiritual Healing – October 2018 Updates

2 children under 5 years old dies of malaria every MINUTE in Africa & Asia. You can make a huge difference by donating as 100% you give goes directly to making and distributing these blessed devices and so much more like solar lights & chargers, Bibles, womens dresses & head coverings, etc to all of our mission fields. No donation is too small (or large). Thanks so much. We are also asking for help as we need to buy 3 sewing machines and supplies to start small tailoring businesses on each of our major mission fields. You may make a donationRead More

August & September Mission Field Updates

GMFC WFF Kibera Slum World Vision International Compassion Hungry


NEW Gospel / Mission Tracts

Share the gospel while you help those who labour day and night in the 3rd world do the same. We just had these incredible gospel tracts (see below) printed which have the Good News of Jesus on one side, and a call to action for our ministry on the other. Talk about a win-win! The suggested donation(s) are as follows and includes 2 day USPS shipping with tracking. Of course, you may donate any amount you like as 100% goes directly to the mission fields to support indigenous missionaries. For other ways to donate, click here. 100 tracts $15 200Read More

July 2018 Missions Update

Kibera Slum Jesus Sponsor a Child Christian World Vision Compassion International


June 2018 Missions Update

kenya christians world vision compassion international sponsor a child africa


Kenya & Bangladesh Mission Field Updates – April 2018

Blessed Updates from all our Mission Fields Below Matthew 19:29 “And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.”

Sawyer Life-Saving Water Filters Arrive in Kenya & Bangladesh

 Video updates from our mission fields as the Sawyer water filters arrived! Glory to GOD! 2.2 million deaths are attributed to diarrhea, mostly from dirty water, and 1.8 million children aged under five DIE YEARLY due to water-borne diseases. This equates to one infant every 20 seconds! You can make a difference! Please click here or donate below. “Nearly two million children a year die for want of clean water and proper sanitation while the world’s poor often pay more for their water than people in Britain or the US, according to a major new report. The United NationsRead More

February 2018 Mission Field Updates

Click below to see this months updates.

Mission Update Page Announced

Mission Update Kenya Bangladesh Kibera Slum Christian Jesus GMFC

We will be posting all the monthly newsletter updates here. Praise the LORD! 04/03/2018 – April 2018 Update 03/05/2018 – March 2018 Update 01/28/2018 – Minor Correction  to GMFC / WFF Update 01/28/2018 – GMFC Introduces Working Faith Fellowship 01/02/2018 – Help the Poor while Getting Healthy! 12/31/2017 – Last Day to Help the Impoverished in 2017

Introducing Working Faith Fellowship

GMFC Update January 2018

GMFC is blessed to announce the unveiling of the Working Faith Fellowship websites. WFF is the church/fellowship of GMFC and will make it much easier to navigate as each mission field now has its own website. We will of course be keeping the GMFC website too. Click on a link below and check out each of our individual mission field websites. Scroll down the front page to see the latest updates or click “updates” on the top menu. We will be updating all websites at least once per month.

Northern Kenya & Ethiopia Witnesses the Love of Jesus

Sponsor a Child in Kenya Christian

Our brethren are evangelizing daily in Northern Kenya & Southern Ethiopia and showing HIS love to the orphan and widow. December 7th, 2017 Praise the Lord brethren, today we distributed clothes to the needy and orphans. They typically only have one or two sets of clothes and wear them until the wear out but God is Clothing them through GMFC We pray for more help to expand the Kingdom of God. Yesterday we did our weekly house to house fellowship, it is so powerful as souls are heeding His call. December 10th, 2017 Hello brethren, we had wonderful fellowship with ourRead More

Remote Villages of Bangladesh Hear About Jesus

Bangladesh Banner GMFC Christian Sponsor a child Bangladesh Asia China

Updates from our bangladesh mission fields for December 2018: December 4th, 2015 Praise the Lord. All glory to my Lord, He is the Holy Creator and we are thankful for Him blessing us. Yesterday we visited our new field in Uludanga. Early morning we hire a car to go there. Pastor Tapon and the local leader (Pastor) Nimai was there and joined us. There have 12 families there and when we reached them, they were already waiting for us. We preached the Gospel and encouraged them to come to the Light (Jesus). Most of them are Hindu and 2Read More

The Kibera Slum Church is Built

WFF Kibera Slum Nairobi Kenya christian child sponsorship how sponsor child

We at GMFC have decided to name our local fellowships (churches), so, we came up with “Working Faith Fellowship“. All our mission fields in Kenya & Bangladesh will use this name so we are in unity. Enjoy the updates directly from the Kibera Slum (Nairobi) mission field below. December 1st, 2017 Today I was meeting area village leaders for permission to construct a church. By God’s grace we got approved. They’re so corrupt here in Kenya & they charge alot for it. It’s good for starting tomorrow 12/2/2017. We’re going to build it brethren for His glory! December 2nd, 2017 Read More

Proclaiming the Good News in Bangladesh

Brothers Hilton & Daniel, our indigenous mission leaders in Bangladesh, update below. November 5th, 2017  Praise the Lord, I am giving a warm welcome to all brethren of Christ. We are praising Almighty God for His blessing in our life and ministry. He chooses us for His Heavenly work. And also thankful to our all brethren who are praying for and supporting us through GMFC. I went to our GMFC Christian school and spent some time with children. We taught them Christian songs. You know, most of students of our school are Hindus so we teach them the Gospel,Read More

Sponsored Children Graduating & More in the Kibera Slum of Kenya

Pastor Joseph updates us from the Kibera Slum mission field: November 4th, 2017 – A good Saturday brethren as I attended a graduation ceremony for one of our sponsored children. Her name is Anne Achieng who was graduating to Grade 1. A big blessing brother for this young girl. She is so appreciative of her sponsor and we are too. Here is the letter from Anne Achieng. I thank God for our sponsored children, orphans and needy as they are all doing well in schools work. Glory to Jesus. I pray for more sponsors as the need is soRead More

Ministering Christ & Making Disciples in Moyale Kenya

Global Mission Moyale Kenya Sponsor a Christian Child Kenya Africa

After a few weeks of hampered communications, we are so blessed to hear from our indigenous missionaries from Moyale, Kenya (near the Ethiopian border). November 24th, 2017 Praise the Lord dear brethren, how are you and how do you do? I hope you are all well. We are blessed and doing fine in the Lord. This month and last month I faced many challenges but all for the glory of God. Last month we got into an accident while we were on a road test for our mission van. A young man from nowhere hit ran out and hit theRead More

Bangladesh is Receiving Jesus

A land that is inhabited by 90% Muslims and 9% Hindu is receiving the Good News with open arms. Our brethren are ministering in new villages and helping the downtrodden daily. Bangladesh is receiving Jesus because of these faithful brethren. Brother Hilton updates us this month below. Praise the Lord, We are giving to all brethren a warm welcome from Bangladesh. We are really grateful to our Heavenly God because He is continuing to help us in our mission work. We are also giving thanks to our all brothers and sisters who are praying and supporting us for theRead More

Pray for Peace in Northern Kenya

GMFC MOyale Kenya ethiopia

Brother William Wario updates us from Moyale, Kenya (near the Ethiopian border).  September 24th, 2017 I had great time preaching to a young man. After a long conversation, he decided to receive Jesus. Praise the Lord! He then came to our fellowship and he confessed all his sin before the Lord. The young man called Qalla was a Muslim! Also, it’s so miraculous that nine woman also confessed that Jesus is Lord this week! They also promise to serve the lord all of their remaining time on this earth. I prayed for them in front of congregation while they kneel downRead More

Kibera Slums Shines the LIGHT of JESUS

global mission for children kibera slum nairobi kenya

The blessings abound on one of the poorest places on earth, the Kibera Slum of Nairobi, Kenya! Below are the updates from the month including some precious videos of the children we are training up in the Lord. September 23rd, 2017 We started the work repairing the latrine we’re using here. Finished one room today. Tomorrow I’ll drain it removing the waste from the ground & we will be using it while repairing the other one. We went to the yard for second hand materials. This is what we are doing brethren to serve the community. I thank God for this blessing &Read More

GMFC Mission Fields Update Sept 2017 – Kenya & Bangladesh

September 2017 Blog Banner 900x300 Global Mission for Children Kenya Kibera Slums

This month we are updating all mission fields in video. To JESUS be all the glory! AMEN   Brother Joseph updates us from where he ministers and lives, the Kibera Slum of Nairobi, Kenya. One of the most impoverished places on earth. Click here for a more detailed update. Brothers William and Joshua minister to muslims and tribal people in Northern Kenya. Moyale is on the Ethiopian border where the brethren also breach. Many Muslims and tribal people are coming to Christ as the Gospel is preached to the captives. Brothers Hilton & Pastor Tarpon update us from our BangladeshRead More

The Blessings in Kibera Slums as Christ is Preached

Update GMFC Banner Kibera Slums Sponsor a Child Christian

Brother Joseph, our indigenous mission leader from the Kibera slum of Kenya updates us below. 9-3-2017 Glory, glory to Lord Jesus brethren, we thank God for a blessed beautiful Sunday. We’re very sorrowful as yesterday (Saturday) we lost seven of our neighbors children in school fire and some are still fighting for their life in hospitals. A fire burned the dormitory for Moi Girls high school in Kibera. I thank God we’re safe & our fellowship is protected, all of our children are safe, glory to Jesus. Our teaching for Sunday service was from the book of Galatians 5:16-26. 9-8-2017 As youRead More

The First GMFC Christian Church in Bangladesh

The First GMFC Christian Church in Bangladesh

Brother Hilton, our indigenous Bangladeshi mission leader, updates us on the first GMFC Christian Church in Bangladesh and much more! Praise the Lord. All Glory to the Lord Jesus. Greetings to you from Bangladesh. We are very thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ who is always giving us strength, power, and making us His soldiers for His great work. We are thankful to you all who are praying and supporting us for mission work at Bangladesh. This is the report of August 2017 which highlights our work including the first GMFC Christian church in Bangladesh. First GMFC Church inRead More

A New Bangladesh Mission Field

Brother Hilton, our indigenous mission leader, updates us from bangladesh as they are starting a new Bangladesh mission field!  Praise the Lord, All Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a report of our this month’s outreaches. Our entire team went a new village at Satkhira which was about 68 KM(42 miles) from our home base of Khulna. Pastor Tapon, our Tala leader take us there because he knew the place before. Yesterday early morning we started our journey. We were aware of the incoming rain but at the beginning the sky was clear. We reached there and weRead More

Post Election Chaos Coupled with Blessings in the Kibera Slums of Kenya

Pastor Joseph, our indigenous mission leader in the Kibera Slums of Nairobi Kenya updates us from the last few weeks with many videos, including the post election chaos, children saying thank you Jesus for the Moringa superfood and much more. Blessings in the Kibera slums: UPDATE August 11th, 2017: We’re praying for the Kibera Slum right now. After announcing the reelection of president Uhuru Kenyatta, protests started, many fighting with police, tear gas every where, sound of fire arms, destruction of properties, etc. Praying for calm and no one to get murdered. Early in the day there was aRead More

Widows and Children Helped in Siaya Kenya

Click to help Christian Widows Donate

Brother Joseph updates below from the Kibera Slum and Siaya Kenya mission fields. Widows and children are being helped greatly as they are fed physical food and the Bread of Life! Praise Jesus brother, a good journey to and from Sega, Siaya mission field. Much greeting to you brother and all mission partners from Siaya widows. Shining hope for these widows brother after their monthly support. Earlier in the morning I visited these widows brother, they are struggling with farm work and I helped. Glory to Jesus. After noon we had a blessed fellowship. I feed them with the word and IRead More

Indigenous Kenyan Missionaries On The Move

UPDATE 8-24-2017 Indigenous Kenyan missionaries on the move as the GMFC brethren return to Moyale from the northern Kenya outreach! They are looking to establish more churches in the most remote and impoverished parts of the world. Greetings to you our dear and lovely brethren, we thank God for His love and care. We also thank God because of GMFC. You have been a huge blessing to orphans, needy and widows in many ways. We thank God all GMFC donors for their great work in the Lord. Our field Moyale is WOW! So marvelous, God is calling souls toRead More

An Entire Family of Muslims Turn to Jesus in Moyale

What a testimony below from our mission leader from Moyale, Kenya (near the Ethiopian border). Many muslims continue to renounce Islam and give the lives to Jesus! In fact, An entire family of Muslims turn to Jesus in Moyale. Halleluia! Help the Moyale brethren reach more souls. Amazing testimony brethren! While I was in the village witnessing Jesus today, I found a man following me and he finally called me and said he wanted to talk with me secretly. I gave him attention and he shared with me his life history. He is married and has seven Children. There wasRead More

Murder & Blessings in the Kibera Slums of Kenya

Brother Joseph updates us from the GMFC mission field in the Kibera Slums .  August 6th, 2017 Update: Praise Jesus brother, A good Sunday, we still find brethren who are able to raise the Kingdom of God. Many urban areas of Kenya are deserted, people run to their tribal villages in fear of election violence. Praying for peace be maintained now and after election. Glory to Jesus, we had a great fellowship in Kibera slum today, the topic was the Faith of Noah. Genesis 7:1 & Hebrews 11:7. We can’t forget to pray for you and GMFC partners! ManyRead More

Blessed are the Poor! Kibera Slum Update

One of the most beautiful verses in the bible is: Luke 6:20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God. I want to post Albert Barne’s commentary on this verse (as well as the correlating verse of Matthew 5:3). What a wise and eloquent description of scripture: Poor in spirit – Luke says simply, Blessed are the poor. It has been disputed whether Christ meant the poor in reference to the things of this life, or to the humble. The gospel is said to beRead More

Are you a Disciple?

I wanted to encourage you to make sure we are all walking with Jesus as HE want’s us to; as true disciples. 1Jn 2:6  He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. 1st,  start off reading Luke 14 which is a personal call to discipleship from Jesus. Please remember brethren, EVERY member of your fellowship/church must be a disciple who MAKES disciples, lest they perish eternally. If they are not, you need to reorganize your life and teachings to make sure they are. Again, everyone in your church/fellowship must beRead More

The Cry for the Widow in Siaya Kenya

No words needed as these two videos speak a million words. Click below to view the conditions these precious souls live in. Cast off and forgotten! Help us serve these precious souls in the name of Jesus. Click here for more information and we pray you join us. [gm album=86 width=”320″ height=”240″]  

A GMFC Kenya Wedding Made in Heaven

No words can express how joyful we are to announce one of our dear mission leader’s, brother Joshua Galgallo, got married to a woman of God, named Daki, last Saturday (June 15, 2017) in the remote part of Northern Kenya(on the Ethiopian border) where he lives and ministers day and night, alongside our brother William Wario. Moyale, Kenya is “a 3rd world country in a 3rd world country”. One out of 10 children are orphans, only 18% of infants are appropriately fed, no electricity or running water, etc. Joshua & William are indigenous missionaries and are ministering day andRead More

Cholera, Poverty & JESUS in the Kibera Slums of Kenya

Pastor Joseph Otieno updates us from the impoverished Kibera Slums of Nairobi Kenya. On top of being impoverished, they are experiencing a cholera outbreak. Join us in helping these precious souls as we minister the Bread of Life as well as physical healing like Moringa superfood to help build their immune systems. We need much help as so many are sick. Praise Jesus brethren… A good Sunday fellowship today (17-7-2017) in the Kibera Slum, it’s peaceful here today. They topic today was, NOAH, JOB & GOD’s testimony… Genesis 6:5-9, and, Noah walked with God. Job 1:1-8. That there isRead More

Moyale Kenya Worships With The Holy Spirit

Hello brethren, We thank God for the shower of the Holy Spirit today’s for Sunday worship. Please pray for use as the national elections are a month away and the fighting and looting is horrible. Here you will see a few pictures of our church and a worship video too. God bless all the brethren and thanks so much for your support. Many souls are giving their lives to Christ because of your partnership. God bless -Brother William Wario  Ephesians 4:16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according toRead More

Kibera Slums Worship Jesus

Pastor Joseph Otieno gives us a fantastic update below from the last two weeks and exciting news of the Bungoma brethren who will be visiting this weekend! (6-25-2017) Brethren, we thank God for a very blessed and a successful Sunday fellowship.  Our message today was “Nehemiah’s Request”. Our foundational scripture was Nehemiah 2:1-5 “Sorrow of Heart “. Praise Jesus brother & I thank God for new members we’re adding up every Sunday, and all for his glory!   (7-2-2017) Today we prayed for our brethren in Bungoma. Next Sunday 9/07/2017, we’re hosting them in Kibera for Church fellowship and leadersRead More

A Christian Church is Built in Bangladesh

What a blessed sight to see a Christian church being built in Bangladesh. A country that is 90%+ Muslim and 9% Hindu! We give all the glory to Jesus. A quick update from brother Hilton: Daniel and I visited Tala Church yesterday and we started the Church construction work with prayer. We hope in 5 days they can complete the work if rain holds out. We are now 80% complete and should finish by this weekend. The building is very simple but will glorify Jesus as the brethren worship and souls are saved. We are praying to furnish the churchRead More

Muslims Come to Christ in Moyale Kenya – June Update

Brother William Kosi, our indigenous Northern Kenya mission leader updates below: One thing I observed in our field, the Muslims hate to hear the sermon and rarely give attention to it, but, when it comes the praise and worship time, they are so attracted to watch so that is why we do fellowship in all the villages from one house to another. We use our PA system for praise and worship and when they all surround to watch, we start preaching. Praise the Lord. Many are hearing True gospel. Praise the Lord as today we had great fellowship withRead More

June 2017 Update from Bangladesh

Brother Hilton provides a blessed update from the GMFC mission field in Bangladesh. Praise the Lord- Greetings to you from Bangladesh. We are glad to say thank you because you are always praying for us and praying for the Bangladesh mission. We are also thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ who always giving us strength, power and empowers us as His soldiers for His great work. Updates: Church Construction We are praying for Tala Church for a long time. It is the first non-house GMFC Church in Bangladesh. Now we are going to construct Church in Tala. So aRead More

Widows Orphans & Jesus in Kibera & Siaya Kenya

June 11th, 2017 brother Jospeh updates: Glory to Jesus! I thank you all so much. I and Kibera church appreciate your hard work through Global Mission for Children. No matter the consequences we’re facing in Kibera, we’re Happy because of GMFC support as nobody will die of hunger. Our children and much healthier and going to school. God bless you all! I personally want to thank teacher brother Aaron for the love and kind heart for supporting us spiritually and helping our needy children. May God bless you all.   A blessed Sunday in our repaired church hut. TopicRead More

Another Child Dies in Kenya

We know the statistics, they are gut wrenching! 21,000+ children under the age of 5 years old in Africa & Asia die horrible deaths DAILY from man-made poverty. The developed world hoards all the money while the majority of the world perishes and lives in dire poverty! So many will be held accountable in judgement day that think they will waltz into Heaven! Last week we lost a 5 year old child in Bungoma whose family is in our fellowship. This week I was just informed that brother Joseph’s(our Kibera Slums Nairobi Leader) 10 month old granddaughter passed away.Read More

The Kibera Slums of Kenya Receive Jesus

A great update from pastor Joseph Otieno from one of the poorest places on earth, the Kibera Slums of Nairobi, Kenya. You may click here to help the Kibera brethren. Hallelujah brethren! I  thank God for the wonderful day He has blessed us with. We are having great Sunday fellowships and this last week was no exception. It was titled “Back sliding” and much scripture was taught including Hebrews 10:39, Proverbs 26:11  and Luke 9:59-62 . Attendance was good and the church for the past few weeks is so small because the hut we usually use is still going under Renovation after itRead More

Bangladesh on the Move for Jesus

Our mission leader, brother Hilton Biswas, updates us from Khulna, Bangladesh where we have 5 mission fields. You can help the Bangladesh brethren by clicking here. Praise the Lord. All Glory to Lord. We are thankful to the Lord for His blessings. We are giving thanks from Bangladesh to all brothers and sisters for prayer and support. 1st GMFC Christian School in Bangladesh: Everlight Elementary School: From the beginning of this year, we started our School and it’s really going very well. Our teachers and working are doing very hard work for the school. Our main goal is Gospel preachingRead More

The Warriors for Jesus in Northern Kenya

Here is the schedule for our Moyale, Kenya indigenous missionaries. They also travel to preach in Ethiopia and have started a fellowship there. Consider becoming a monthly partner to support these laborers for Jesus! You can visit their page by clicking here. Monday AM – Door to Door Evangelism >> Monday PM-discipleship & new believers Tuesday Children’s Ministry Wednesday AM – Morning Fasting & Prayer >> Wednesday PM – General Prayer Meeting Thursday AM – Open Air Evangelism >> Thursday PM – Women’s Fellowship >> Thursday EVE – Leaders Fellowship Friday AM – Prayer for Leaders >> Friday PM –Read More

Shining the LIGHT in the Kibera Slums

Brother Joseph updates from the impoverished Kibera Slums in Kenya.  We fully thank God brethren for your prayer and support, Kibera is so happy. No matter the food crisis in Kenya, we’re so thankful because of Global Mission for Children’s presence in Kibera. I am personally working closely with this orphans and widows in love (good stewardship) .preaching to them the benefits of repentance and salvation. Many are now coming to Jesus., praise the Lord. Praying to Reach many….. Very sorry news brother, today we found our church partly collapse and the Owner doing repair, thank God nobody wasRead More

Physical & Spiritual Health in Kibera Kenya

Pastor Joseph Otieno updates us from the last 2 Sunday fellowships at our church in the Kibera Slums of Nairobi, Kenya. 5/7/2017 Praise the Lord Jesus brother, a good blessed week first Sunday after school’s opening, a blessed fellowship topic today “Teachable spirit”. Rev.2:7….. Pro 12:1  “Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.” Preaching in the book of Jeremiah 31:15-17.             4/23/2017 Praise Jesus brethren, a wonderful Sunday service message was in the book of Mark 9 : 43 and Romans 5 :12 (Hell,death and sin). Today was a blessed dayRead More

Outreach to Impoverished Village in Northern Kenya

Most reading this post will never, ever experience the incredible poverty that billions experience in this world today. Our mission team based in Moyale, Kenya travel from town to town and village to village each and every day to call the lost to Jesus. Below is an update from brother William. You will see the decrepit homes these people live in. Next time you have a “complaint”, remember, over one billion people live on less than $1.50 per day, 50%+ live on less than $2.50 per day and 80% of the world lives on less than $10 per day. 1 Timothy 6:8 “AndRead More

Fellowship Church Starts Construction & Land for Farm is the Prayer for GMFC Bangladesh

Brother Hilton updates us below from Bangladesh: Praise the Lord, greetings to you from the Bangladesh mission. Last few month we had a great prayer for mission church, and thanks to almighty God, today we have started our church construction and base work. Today, we visited our Tala mission field. It’s about 60 km from Khulna, our home base. Our leader and pastor on this mission field, Tapon, started working and prayer prior to our arrival. Our church members were spreading soil to prepare the church base as we arrived. I believe within three days the base work willRead More

Moyale Kenya on the Move

Brother William and the GMFC Moyale team bring in supplies to build the church on their motorbike. No trucks in Moyale! Also, they ploughed one acre of land and are starting to plant thousands of Moringa superfood seeds. All for the glory of Jesus! Partner with the GMFC Moyale team today to help them continue to make disciples. God bless.

The Kibera Kenya Church is Growing

Pastor Joseph updates from the Kibera Slums of Kenya: Praise Jesus brethren, Kibera is so thankful for the support from Global Mission for Children. We are so blessed! The widows & orphans that are so needy are so happy because of the church and feeding program, all for the glory of Jesus. A blessed Sunday message of today was based on verses from Nehemiah 4:14-18 and Ephesians 6:10-18. AMEN BLESSED WORSHIP POWERFUL PREACHING  Pastor Joseph Church Fellowship Kibera Slums GMFC Kenya      

The Superfood Moringa Arrives in the Kibera Slums of Nairobi Kenya

Kibera Slum Moringa Workinng Faith Fellowship Blog 900x300

What an incredible blessing! We have successfully delivered dozens of pounds of Moringa to our mission field in the Kibera Slums of Nairobi, Kenya!  SPONSOR BROTHER JOSEPH BELOW

Severe Drought in Kenya – March 2017 Update – REJOICE!

UPDATE MARCH 29th, 2017~! The LORD has answered our prayers. Not only did it rain, the LORD JESUS sent a flood of water to northern Kenya today. AMEN! James 5:18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. Job 5:8-11 I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause: Which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number: Who giveth rain upon the earth, and sendeth waters upon the fields: To set up on high those that be low; that those which mourn may be exaltedRead More

The Mission Field is Expanding in Tala Satkhira Bangladesh

Brother Hilton gives us this fantastic update as they reach more lost in Bangladesh and establish biblical fellowships. Praise the Lord. We are thankful to our Lord for this mission tour. Our team ( Hilton Biswas, Daniel Bishwas, Kana Biswas and Showan) visited this week the Tala, Satkhira mission field. Pastor Tapon is our mission leader and Pastor of there. Last month, our Heavenly Father gave us bibles and song books and a sitting mat through His obedient people. We are thankful to Lord and to our brothers and sisters. We prayed for a small Church house and my Lord provideRead More

The Kibera Slums of Nairobi Kenya Hear the Gospel

Brother Joseph updates us from the Kibera Slums. Jesus is moving in so many ways.  Praise Jesus brother, it was another great Sunday fellowship with the Lord, the message was about….. KNOWING GOD: 1 .You can not be saved without knowing God… Psalms. 91 : 14 2 . How can we know He is… Elijah / 1 Kings 18:36-37  Nebuchadnezzar / Daniel 4:33-37 3. Who is Father? John 14:8-11 4. If you are in sin you do not know God. You must be righteous to know God.  I also handed out some gospel tracts.  We also had a fellowshipRead More

Salvations in the Kibera Slums of Nairobi Kenya

Pastor Joseph and the team continue to reach lost souls in the Kibera Slums in Kenya. He is also taking care of the orphans and widows. Please help him reach more as the need is so great. He and his team labor day and night in one of the poorest areas of the world where they also live, the Kibera Slums of Nairobi Kenya.  Praise Jesus brother, Sunday service was a blessed one. I led four young brethren to Jesus! It was a great day for young men receiving Jesus as their Lord & Savior. – Pastor Joseph Otieno

Read How Jesus is Moving in Kenya!

Pastor Moses updates from Bungoma Kenya. This is what true disciples of Jesus do! Help these brethren as they labor day and night to save souls. Imagine just $45 per week to provide life-saving Moringa (superfood) for 100+ children!    Praise be to God. It has been a very busy month working at the farm and monitoring the progress of our Moringa.Besides working at the farm, the ministry duties seem to increase each day. I thank God for his grace that is enabling me to serve him.   I would like to let you and the the brethren know theRead More

Haliya Bangladesh GMFC Outreach February 2017

An incredible outreach to a remote area of Bangladesh was a great success! The original post about this outreach with a video is here. ​Praise the Lord, greetings to all of our friends and brothers from Global Mission Bangladesh. This is our another mission trip in this year. We went to a new place named Haliya. That was a remote area. But God helped us including bringing the GMFC school teachers to visit that new place. In 27/02/17 we started our journey to this remote area from Khulna, by boat. First off, we all prayed to God for ourRead More

Three Drunkards Come to JESUS in Moyale Kenya

Brother William updates us from Moyale, Kenya. Greeting you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, how are you and how do you do? I am well and fine in the Lord. I thank God this month for His faithfulness up on my life and the field where we are preaching repentance. There was tribal fighting early this month and I thank God we are all safe, thank you for your prayers, it has worked. It is hard sometimes to preach when there is no peace. Keep praying for peace as this is an election year and also Muslims RamadanRead More


It’s an amazing act of God! The 1st children have been enrolled and the 1st GMFC Christian school, Everlight Elementary has opened in Bangladesh! Be blessed and  a big THANKS to all who helped make this a reality! Glory to JESUS! Brother Hilton updates below(Remember it’s a 90% Muslim and 9% Hindu country): Praise the Lord. All the Glory to Almighty God. This is the blessing report from Bangladesh. We are very thankful to the Lord for His blessing to us. We start our school with His blessing from 5th February’ 2017. We got permission from our local government office lastRead More

Micro-Finance to Deliver from Poverty for Generations

Imagine for a minute you have never had $100, or $50, or even $20 at one time in your possession. This is the reality to the ONE BILLION+ people in the world that make less than $1.25 PER DAY. They use most all of that money to eat what they can as they struggle to survive. The fact is, 21,000 children under the age of 5 years old die of man-made poverty related conditions. You read that correct, one every 3.9 seconds (9,000 over the age of 5 too), DAILY!  Now imagine for $50, you can help a precious soul, forRead More

Church and Open-Air Preaching from Kibera Kenya

Updates from Pastor Joseph from yesterday’s church service and Monday’s open-air church in Kenyatta market in Kibera (Nairobi) Kenya. We have secured a small room for a church that we are using. We are looking for a monthly sponsor for that so we can free up that money to reach even more people. Imagine, just $50 per month and you will be funding a church! Also, we are looking for a one-time donor(s) to purchase the PA system and keyboard/amplifier they now rent for both Sunday church service in Kibera Slums and the Monday – Saturday open-air church! It’sRead More

Two New GMFC Churches in Kibera Kenya

A longtime prayer has been answered as pastor Joseph Otieno, our newest mission partner from Kenya, has started an open-air church in the Kenyatta Market AND a church in the Kibera Slums! The 3rd service for the Kibera Slum church is going on right now (Sunday 1-29-2017)!  Monday through Saturday, GMFC Pastor Joseph preaches in the Kenyatta Market in Kibera (Nairobi) Kenya. Enjoy the worship too! This is all possible because of faithful, obedient supporters. Eph_4:16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measureRead More

January 2017 Missions Report From Moyale Kenya

Greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus, how are you and how do you do? We thank God for His faithfulness upon our lives and ministry here in Moyale Kenya. We thank God because of you our dear brothers, supporters, sponsors, donors and GMFC for your kind support toward the Kingdom of Heaven. Your have really been blessing to us in many ways. Your prayers & word of encouragement and support has enabled us to stand for Jesus in this remote area. Our children, orphans, needy and widows are well. Thank you again brother Jimmy &Read More

GMFC Bangladesh January 2017 Update

Below is the missions update from Bangladesh from brother Hilton.  Greetings from Bangladesh. God is great and merciful. God always helps us in our mission work. We are thankful to our God.  And also give thanks our brothers and sisters who are praying and supporting our mission fields. Several months we are praying for GMFC School in Bangladesh. We worked hard to establish the school. At last we have completed the first GMFC School named Everlight Elementary School in Khulna, Bangladesh. This is a commercial school. But we will help poor children. They can study in our school forRead More

Fervent Prayer in Moyale Kenya

In the video below, you will see true, godly prayer that lasts hours in many cases. This is from our Moyale, Kenya mission field and is a weekly occurrence (or more often as the Lord leads) as a local fellowship. This mission field we are overseeing and supporting has many worshiping under trees due to great poverty but are still so very busy every day with the work of the Lord. Please consider helping us build small churches for these precious souls. James 5:15-16 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; andRead More

1st GMFC Christian School in Bangladesh is Finished

All the glory goes to Jesus as we have completed constructing the school in Bangladesh! We still need a few more monthly sponsors. The brethren on this mission field worked for months, day and night to complete this project. Please view the video below that will show the progress from beginning ’til the end. Here is the update from brother Hilton below: God is gracious. This is an update and thanks giving time for all. Its was March 2016, we saw a dream for a school and we start prayer to Lord for our dream, My Lord answered us. Our dreamRead More

New Church in Kibera Slums Kenya

When we serve a mighty God and He sends us brethren where they are most needed. We have been praying for a preacher of righteousness for years to serve the precious souls of the slums of Kibera, Kenya (Nairobi). The Lord sent us that brother a few months back and he is now an official GMFC partner! We are happy to announce our very 1st GMFC churche in one of the poorest place on earth, The Kibera Slums of Nairobi, Kenya. Pastor Joseph Otieno is the Kibera leader under the oversight of Pastor Moses Wafula of GMFC Bungoma Kenya.   Below you will seeRead More

Videos from Moyale Kenya GMFC Mission December 2016

Videos from our Moyale, Kenya mission field… Glory to God Wako Halakhe is saying praise God, thank you to my sponsor and happy new year. Wake is most time sick; last time brucellosis, now has eye problem, Please keep praying for him.  Sister Diramu Kosi is saying praise God, happy new year. Guyo Roba is saying Happy New Year. Gedi Halake is wishing her sponsor happy New Year by waving hand.  Brother Joshua Galgallo open-air preaching to muslims in Moyale, Kenya. Incredible worship in Moyale!

Deliverance from 27 Years of Witchcraft – Borehole and Land in Moyale, Kenya

Talk about blessings from ABOVE! I will let brother William, our Moyale, Kenya mission leader explain below. I will add, you will see in the videos below incredible worship and also brother Joshua Galgallo open-air preaching. Greetings to you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, how are you and how do you do? I really thank God for this busy month of December. Many things happened and we have seen the powerful hand of God working. There were tribal clashes between Burji and Gabra tribes early this month here in Moyale but because of our prayer, God hasRead More

A Very Special Request from Bangladesh

As I observe all the missionaries laboring day and night in the poorest regions of the world, one project we have been working on for about one year is the very first GMFC Christian School in Khulna, Bangladesh. A very special brother has stepped up to be the “general contractor” on this project and what a job he has done! He has kept this on budget ($2500 TOTAL) and has been the leader on the construction(pictures below). His name is Santo and he is married with 2 boys and has sacrificed so much to serve Jesus. Here is myRead More

A Physical NOT Spiritual Drought in Moyale Kenya

Even though they had to walk miles, and miles and miles to get water (which is disgusting from ponds where the wild animals drink from), the GMFC brethren march on as warriors for Jesus! Here is this months update from brother William Kosi, our mission leader: Greeting to you my dear brother, how are you and how do you do? We give praise to our Lord Jesus for His love and peace upon our life and ministry. This month we had much trouble and some was due to lack of water as all the ponds we use dried up.Read More

Help us Start Moringa Farm

Moringa is the most powerful superfood, a marvelous work of God. This super-food is the most complete on the planet!  It: Helps alleviate malnutrition Provides much needed jobs in the poorest areas of the world Provides much needed income to help the poor, the orphan and the widow Helps us evangelize on all our mission fields while helping their physical state Join us today! James 1:27 – Luke 10:2 – Psalm 82:3 – Isaiah 1:17 – Luke 6:20 – Luke 4:18

All the Pieces Coming Together in Bangladesh!

The fixed costs are all taken care of in Bangladesh for our 1st Christian school. You will see in the pictures below, we were able to buy an electric “easy-bike” which is a popular mode of transportation in Bangladesh. It will not only provide transportation for our teachers back and forth to the school, it’s also going to be used as a taxi that will provide a job for a young Christian brother and also provide a monthly salary, from the profits, for one pastor. The picture to the right shows brother Shamir Day on the left, who is going toRead More

A Christian Education in Bangladesh

Imagine a sound, biblically based Christian school in a country that is 89.7% Muslim and 9.2% Hindu? It’s true praise GOD. The 1st GMFC Christian school in Bangladesh is on schedule for a Jan 1st start! We need your help! Brother Hilton’s updates us: Sponsorship Report of October Praise the Lord; Greetings to of our friends and brothers from Bangladesh. We are updating our monthly report for the month October, 2016. Again, we are thankful to almighty God for His blessing. Really He is great, all the glory to Him. Without His command anything cannot move. He establishes His plan inRead More

Brother William Wario From GMFC Moyale Kenya Updates on the Ethiopia Outreach

The update below from brother William, our Moyale mission leader is absolutely amazing! In the face of death, they march on to preach the gospel of Jesus in Ethopia! We greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus. We give glory to the Lord for all that He has done this incredible month. Early this month, I and my brother Joshua had the privilege to go and preach in Ethiopia. We were given seven topics to chose from, one for each of us to preach. I chose Holiness: and Joshua the “True Church”. Holiness is a command of God. InRead More

Moyale Kenya Update – Preaching, Orphans and Ethiopia Outreach!

Moyale Kenya mission leader, brother William Wario, updates us from the mission field. As usual, miracles abound! Hello dear brother, I hope you are doing good. I am well and fine praise Jesus! God is doing wonders in our daily meeting for the glory of God. We are seeing people knowing the the truth and repenting. Some people were in the church for a while, but while we continue teach them the way to heaven which only true repentance (prov 28:13), confessing and returning from sin, they actually pour out their hearts to the Lord. We are continually doingRead More

Be Part of Our 1st Christian School in Bangladesh

(ORIGINALLY POSTED Sep 12, 2016) The very 1st Christian school in Bangladesh is being built as we speak and we will be employing the teachers in a few weeks! We are reaching out to the community to get students for the January 1st opening, Praise God but we need some help. We have the building funded but need money to support the monthly expenses. So far, as of November 3rd, 2016, we have $140 per month committed (UPDATE 7-10-2019: WE HAVE ZERO MONTHLY DONORS) but we need $724 per month to run the entire school. Now, it costs aboutRead More

The Moringa Tree Superfood Solution to Malnutrition!

Moringa farms are a huge blessing in so many ways. First, they alleviate malnutrition which is rampant in the developing world.  Second, it will provide jobs to bring people out of grave poverty and provide funds for our ministry. And most importantly, it will help us reach more souls to share the gospel with! Be part of an incredible farming opportunity that produces a crop in 3 months after initial planting and then a crop every 50 days year round! Talk about GOD SENT! A super hardy “tree” that will produce a super-food from it’s leaves. Please pray for this asRead More


There are no words to describe the incredible sacrifice brothers William, Joshua and the team make in Moyale, Kenya. They literally put their lives on the line daily as they preach in the most remote, tribal and Muslim part of Kenya! They have surely counted the cost. They have no church building and their houses(huts) are too small for home fellowship, so, what do they do, have church service under a TREE! I will not comment further, let’s let brother William share his heart, we just received this update: Hello brethren, I hope all is well. We had wonderful mission,Read More

The Abundant Harvest from the Kenya Mission Trip

Below is the 1st report after we returned from our Kenya mission trip to visit brothers Moses, Haron and so many others. The memories, blessings and friendships that were made on that trip will be cherished forever. The unity between all GMFC partners is such a blessing and all the glory goes to God. The letter below was written by brother Moses, it speaks for itself. Glory be to God.   I thank God for his mercies upon us all. We are doing well as a ministry as we continue to reap the good fruits for the kingdom of God after the veryRead More

William & the GMFC Brethren Preach to Muslims with Great Wisdom

The 1st of many videos I will be uploading over the next few days from our mission trip to Kenya! Here you will see dear brother William & others explain the biblical way to preach to muslims, with knowledge. You need to study to shew yourselves approved before you go out and preach! Be edified and join us in helping support these precious saints of GOD! They are mighty warriors and are turning souls from a 90%++ muslim area of Kenya into true CHRISTIANS! All for HIS glory! Below the video are notes from brother William and more toRead More

Are You Your Brothers Keeper?

The Ageless Conflict Bible Study Holiness Repentance Perfection

Special Article to go with Appendix 1 for Ageless Conflict Study It is such a great work for a soul to be brought to repentance and come under Christ’s reign. Yet is difficult as that is, in a sense that is just the initial phase of a person coming to ultimately being saved on the Day of Judgment. This is not the theological paper nor a doctrinal statement, but a practical exhortation to those brothers and sisters in the Lord who have been involved with the Ageless Conflict study, and who already have an understanding that unconditional eternal security and automaticRead More

GMFC Mexico Partner Update

Please pray for brother Wayne as he continues to hit roadblocks in getting the AM radio station going in Mexico. This mighty warrior for God has been serving the lord on the streets and in many other capacities for over 69 years! The enemy will NOT win with prayers and support. Thanks so much to all who support brother Wayne and his efforts.

Water, Muslim Salvation & Open Air Preaching in Northern Kenya!

Brother William Wario Kosi has been serving with us in Northern Kenya for 3 years. He preaches almost exclusively to Muslims and has absolutely no fear! Glory to God! I greet you in the name of Jesus my dear brother, how are you and how do you do? Hope your are well and fine. I am doing good praise Jesus.Surely this is very busiest month. We had revival meeting in the church early this month and seen God working in the lives of many. We had youth fasting and praying and God touched their hearts. It’s raining season hereRead More

Two Pastors Repent in Bangladesh!

Brother Hilton and the GMFC Bangladesh team are reaching so many lost souls for Jesus while taking care of the orphan and widows. Not one but two pastors have repented this month from false doctrine and are joining forces with GMFC. More to come, in the meantime, click the picture below to read the full report. You may also click here to help this mission field. God bless! Click the picture below for update.                                                  Read More

Sand Laid for the GMFC Bangladesh Christian School

Brother Hilton updates us from the school site in Bangladesh. Praise the Lord! Our duty is on!!! Today we fill all the holes in the land to prepare for the 5 room schoolhouse. Brother Santo, Showan, Jony, myself and the land owner work here very hard. There was a total of 7 truck that dumped sand and we filled in the land. We thank you all for you prayers and support. We request that you please pray for us and continue to support us for the Christian School in Bangladesh. We are now in need of just $4,000 for the entire school includingRead More

GMFC Moyale Water Problem

Please continue to pray and contribute as you feel led as we are in the process of raising funds to eradicate the grave water situation on our mission field in Moyale, Kenya. The sole water source is a dirty pond that is used by animals too! The diseases and deaths from dirty water in this world is beyond disgusting! You will also see in the pictures below the NEW toilet for the church and community. Now ask yourself, what are you needs today? How hard is your life? Are you rich? Don’t hear James 5:1-6 on judgement day. Obey Matthew 25,Read More

Christian School Lease Signed!

What an incredible blessing! We have signed the land lease for the school we will be constructing in Bangladesh! Glory to GOD! We were able to negotiate an incredible deal for a 100′ x 60′ piece of land where we will construct a 6 room schoolhouse (5 classrooms and an office for the teacher). We are looking for one-time donors and monthly sponsors who can help he children get a true, Christian education for JUST $3 per month each!!! God bless you!

GMFC Mexico – The Martyr Call – AM Radio Station

The AM radio station is going online any day! Many delays but the Lord is going to bless this station as it reaches millions with the true gospel of Jesus. God bless you! Update below and if you are moved, click here to help.   Click below for the list of towns that will be reached. Praise GOD!

GMFC Moyale Kenya

Below, in his own words, is brother William’s update from the mission field in Moyale, (Northern) Kenya. What a warrior he is for Jesus. You can click here to help him. Glory to GOD! Hello Dear Brother Jimmy, It is another month that the Lord Has given us. How are you and how do you do. I hope you are doing well. Praise God. I am doing well and fine to. This month we had several time of prayer and fasting and Evangelism, I surely witnessed Lord Jesus working in many areas and lost souls coming to Christ. PraiseRead More

GMFC Bangladesh Preaching the Gospel

Our report for April is yet another testimony that obedience to the Lord Jesus is producing miracles in far off lands. Click below to see the April update, brother Hilton and his team continue to reach the lost day and night on many remote mission fields in his native Bangladesh. You may click here to help brother Hilton. God bless.

Brother William Preaches Repentance and Holiness in Moyale Kenya to the Anglicans

  I received the following report from our mission leader in Moyale, Kenya on MAR 13TH, 2:48PM. He was invited to preach in an Anglican church in the remote area of Kenya where he is ministering and living. What happens when you preach the true gospel, holiness an repentance FROM sins, at a false church following a false “jesus”? Conviction & changed lives! Glory to GOD! Glory be to God, I had wonderful time preaching to Anglican church congregation calling them to repentance. Actually, it was a strange message to them.  I found some people touched and started crying. They areRead More

Revelations from Moyale Kenya – March 2016 Update

The first message I received from brother William was on July 16th, 2013. Holding true to our policy of vetting partners and after hundreds of messages back and forth over the next seven months, we decided to take on brother William after we were sure he was legitimate and after we gave him the TRUE gospel of Christ, holiness & repentance! He is now a preacher of righteousness and was called to the remote area of Moyale, Kenya where the spiritual and physical condition is dire!           I am just finding out how dire the waterRead More

GMFC Bangladesh Preaches and Lives James 1:27

This month brings yet another great testimony to the power of the Holy Spirit to those who obey the Lord Jesus. Our Bangladesh mission team continues to preach the gospel, take care of the orphan and widow in their time of distress, and they keep themselves unspotted from the world. Read the incredible update by clicking the picture below. You may also click here to help us. God bless you!

Help Preach the TRUE Gospel to MILLIONS in Mexico!

I had the great blessing of meeting brother Wayne a few months ago. He stayed at my home and his story of 68 years on the mission field is AMAZING. He needs our help as he is finalizing the AM radio station that will broadcast the TRUE Gospel of Jesus, repentance and holiness, to MILLIONS in Mexico. Please see below on how to become a monthly partner for just $38 per month. This pays for the electricity for one day of broadcasting and will be an incredible act of obedience to the Lord. Imagine being responsible for reaching MILLIONS withRead More

HIS Word Goes Forth in Bangladesh – Feb 2016 Update

Bros Hilton, Santo and Shawon are leading the GMFC team on multiple mission fields in Khulna, Bangladesh. This month’s report is filled with so many blessings and all the glory goes to God. We want to thank all our supporters and pray for so many more and the need is great. God bless you! Click here to support these saints of God. Click the picture below for the full report.

GMFC Moyale Update Feb 2016 – Testimony of William

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus brother, how are you and how do you do? I am so greatful to report the wonderful work of God in Moyale, Kenya. This is the hottest month here but the grace of God is sufficient.  I give God glory to connect me to GMFC and brother Jimmy. God gave me a new heart and situation in Moyale spiritually since I started working with GMFC for know three years. My life has changed and has been transformed through the teaching of GMFC from sin to salvation. Before I wasRead More

500+ Hear the Gospel in Khulna Bangladesh

What an INCREDIBLE testimony below. Brother Hilton was not scheduled to go to this healing & prayer meeting but by HIS provision had the opportunity to preach to 500+ people. Praise Jesus! After reading, consider clicking the button immediately below to help brother Hilton and his ministry team. Praise the Lord. I am really very happy to write this post. I am thankful to Lord for this opportunity. Yesterday, unscheduled, I had attended a 3 days worship and healing prayer meeting in Khulna. There were about 500 + people who are joined from local and near place of Khulna division. I wasRead More

“Worshiping Under a Tree” – GMFC Moyale Kenya Update 1-2016

Brother William reports from our northern Kenya mission field. They are so poor monetarily but RICH SPIRITUALLY! Titled “Worshiping Under a Tree“. Glory to GOD! Click here to help William reach more lost souls. Hello brother Jimmy and GMFC, how are you all doing? Hope all is well with you. I am well and fine. I thank God for his faithfulness this month though more challenges are there and I know why the challenges are, the more I commit myself to the Lord the more challenges comes, all for His glory. I had precious time traveling from one placeRead More

GMFC Bangladesh January 2016 Update

Brother Hilton from our Bangladesh mission field has yet another incredible update! Last month we sent him almost 3,000 gospel coin tracts that are virtually indestructible as they are metal. We usually use paper gospel tracts but these are unique and this is the 1st time we are using them overseas.  Hilton and his team have already passed out hundreds to the lost while preaching the gospel to them and he plans on all 3,000 to be distributed within 3 months. This is absolutely incredible in a nation that is almost 90% Muslim and almost 10% Hindu! Glory toRead More

AM Radio Living Hope Moving Ahead in Mexico to Reach Millions

Please click here or on the picture below to sponsor a day of AM radio with holiness preaching. It’s just $38 to pay for a day’s worth of electricity and you could be the sponsor of one (or more) days! Millions of lost souls will be reached daily when this station goes live in approx. one month in one of the last catholic (mystic) strongholds in the world! God bless you. Click Below to View the List of Towns That Will be Reached!

GMFC Moyale Kenya Update – December 2015

Update from brother William on our Moyale, Kenya mission field. Greeting to you brother Jimmy and all the GMFC partners. I thank God for this precious moment to give report. There was fighting and hostility this month and no freedom of movement in the town and villages due to fear. Thank God for His courage as we still press on praising the Lord and preaching repentance and Holiness. We had three days of fasting and praying for peace. Glory to God! Our prayer even made the president of Kenya to visit Moyale for a peace meeting. Thank you forRead More

The Incredible Blessing of GMFC Child Sponsorship

The slideshow below will illustrate the incredible blessings not only given but received from child sponsorship through GMFC. You will see how happy the children are and many are orphans. Included are a few letters from the children to their sponsors and also report cards from their school. Some come from widowed mothers too, you will see a widow smiling as she receives food as a result of the sponsors monthly support. The atrocious fact is, 21,000 children die daily from man-made poverty and it’s preventable if everyone just gave a little! If we all obeyed God and gaveRead More

Am I Richer Press Release

Click the picture below for our latest press release. The new feature on our site is eye opening to say the least. Please share across social media. God bless you!

List of Salaries and Stewardship of Leading “Humanitarian” Organizations aka MONEY CHANGERS

List of Salaries and Stewardship of Leading “Humanitarian” Organizations aka MONEY CHANGERS and Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing! Four “Christian” and two secular. Gospel for Asia Founded by KP Yohannan, we have never seen an organization start so good and fall so hard! He was a humble servant for decades(from what we can see from afar) and now is is a self-declared “pope” of the “believers church” where people kiss his rings, etc. Talk about Apostasy! That is just the tip of the iceberg! A headquarters in TX just built for over $50,000,000 and that money came from donors and theRead More

20 Days to Harvest in Bangladesh

I am a very optimistic guy but when I saw the soil the Bangladesh missionaries were using to grow our 1st mini-farm, I was a bit skeptical. The soil I am used to is much darker and finer(I guess it looks more nutrient dense) in my “backyard”. Well, I am humbly so very wrong, yes…yet again…LOL  In just 20 days, Hilton and his ministry team in Bangladesh will be picking their 1st harvest! YES!! 20 days red spinach is ready to be picked!!!Praise Jesus!  – Jimmy Letter from Hilton below- Hello brother.. here are our photos from our farmRead More

Need 28 Days Sponsored to Broadcast to MILLIONS in Mexico!

A few weeks ago we met and incredible man of God, 85 year old Wayne Searfoss. We decided to partner with him on what will be one of the largest Christian outreaches known to man due to it’s far-reaching impact! Brother Wayne, an open-air preacher for 68 years and foreign missionary from the US to Mexico has successfully constructed an AM radio tower in Central Mexico! All is in place to start to broadcast the true message of Jesus! He will be broadcasting to thousands of villages and towns and millions will hear the gospel. This is one ofRead More

We are Rejoicing! Brother William is OK in Northern Kenya!

I heard from brother William a bit ago and by the grace of God he is OK! Hallelujah! We posted about his struggles some days ago as there was terrible fighting in his area. Below are his updates from the mission field and the good news! Hello brother, glory be to God! We are all fine, God protected our lives here in Moyale during fighting. Many people escaped for their life but we persisted in prayer and battle calmed down. Still there is no movement in market and people are full of fear and worry. Thank God because ofRead More


Our dear brother William Kosi, the GMFC mission leader in Northern Kenya, a traveling evangelist, was unable to give us his monthly report as of yet due to vicious fighting in his immediate area! I request, from saints of God, to pray for brother William. You can visit his page here and help him if you feel moved. A note from William below. Hello brother,I praise God because of His love and care. There is fighting going on in Dukale Moyale, Kenya since 19th Thursday up to today, between O L F, Kenyan police and Ethiopian police. Three Kenyan police wereRead More

GMFC Bangladesh November 2015 Update Including Hilton’s Moving Audio Testimony

Brother Hilton has an incredible report this month as usual. But even more incredible, he gave us his testimony on audio! Click here to listen to this incredibly moving testimony. All the glory to Jesus! So many people make these outreaches possible. The only purpose,at least the main one, we have as true Christians is to preach the gospel to the lost. A gospel that is not ear-candy like the one being preached on most all the churches in America and the developed world. It’s the unapologetic, intolerant gospel of Jesus Christ and it’s GOOD NEWS! Few will enter theRead More


And the blessings continue on our Bangladesh mission fields. Brother Hilton and his team continue to minister to new, unreached mission fields by going from house to house, village to village, to preach the gospel of Christ Jesus! What a blessing it is to serve a mighty God. Please click here for the full report and God bless you as you labor for HIM. GMFC Bangladesh October 2015 Update [gmedia id=31]


Greeting to GMFC- I am doing well and God is doing new things every day. Our ministry is growing and I thank God for His favor this month. We are able to start a project of plantation to support our ministry because we have no support from any other source except GMFC and what we need to do is more because our ministry is growing. We went for great mission outreach for six days October 20-26 at TURBI and RAWAN. The majority of the occupants of Turbi are muslims and few catholics, which have no different from muslims. TheyRead More


We have a special payer request this month as our Moyale, Kenya mission leader brother William Kosi’s father went to see the Lord this month. Keep brother William in your prayers as he rejoices as his father has gone home! Below is his update from this month. “Greetings to you in the name of our LORD Jesus, how are you doing brother Jimmy? I  hope you are doing well praise GOD.  I am doing well too though challenges are many this month. We have been busy proclaiming gospel of Holiness and repentance and we have seen GOD working. WeRead More

GMFC Bangladesh Mission Update – September 2015

Click below for an incredible update from our GMFC Bangladesh mission field. Brother Hilton and 11 from his ministry team went to one of the most spiritually demonic areas of the world, the Sundarban, on September 18th. His report is truly a gift from God. Continue to pray for these missionaries, saints. Click below to support brother Hilton and the GMFC Bangladesh team. [gmedia id=12]

Help Send 7 Missionaries to Sundarban Bangladesh

  ANOTHER OUTREACH ON FEBRUARY 27, 2017! Pastor Tarpon and brother Hilton will be leading the team to Sundarban today with gospel tracts, bibles and righteous saints preaching repentance FROM sin and holiness. Glory to GOD!  (From Sept 2015) Please join us in sending brother Hilton and many of his missionaries to one of the most spiritually wicked place on earth. The dwellers of Sundarban gradually developed a culture of their own over generations. They are deprived of almost every facilities of modern civilization. Hindus and Muslims worship the same gods irrespective of their religious beliefs. The cult of worshiping trees, snakes,Read More

GMFC Moyale Kenya August 2015

The update from our brother William and his mission team of 26 from Moyale Kenya is simply incredible! In his words: “We had wonderful time of evangelism and God enabled us to reach many souls and win for Christ in Illamu, Ethiopia which is east of Moyale. It is a very dry area occupied by religious and traditional people. We had to evangelize door to door moving from one house to another. It is tiresome, but I must do it because it is commission from my Lord Jesus. Some people reject us and others insult us. I really thankRead More

GMFC Bangladesh Mission Update August 2015

What an incredible month! Click below to view our update from brother Hilton and the GMFC team preaching in the remote villages of Bangladesh. God bless you and thanks for all your prayer and support. Together we are working to fulfill the Great Commission. Preaching repentance from sins and living holy as commanded is the true love of God. Praise HIM!

GMFC Bangladesh Update July 2015

Another incredible blessing happened on our Bangladesh mission field this month. After 3 years of prayer, we were finally able to bless Pastor Hilton with a used motorbike. Glory to GOD! His words follow. “Hello my honorable brother in Christ, how are you? We are well and blessed and also very happy. Brother, I have attached this months update and this month we have done huge work, but its just a fraction of what we need to do compared to the great need out there. As you know, the average income here for a family is $100/month. We haveRead More

GMFC Moyale Kenya Update July 2015

Brother William, our mission leader in Kenya traveled to Ethiopia earlier this month then back to Moyale. Below is a note and pictures. “Glory be to God from Moyale Kenya! Church is growing well, lost souls are coming to Christ. There are photos of believers, my photo and the children that need our support. Also, a picture of a woman who gave her life to Jesus  yesterday after preaching. I take this opportunity to say thank you to brother Jimmy and the GMFC team at large for their support and praying. God bless you all for standing in the gap. Please, continue prayingRead More

GMFC – Trinity Bangladesh Update – 1st Annual Children’s Bible Camp

In a country that is only .06% Christian, has 40% unemployment and a per capita income of $1,190(under $100 per MONTH, the 1st annual summer camp was a GREAT success thanks to our supporters! Please pray for our children’s program that is ongoing on this mission field. Please pray for great revival and click here to sponsor a child or to make a one-time donation. The need is great as 21,000 children die per day due to man-made poverty. The camp started at 10 am. 10 00 am to 10:30 am — Worship 10:30 am to 11:30 am —Read More

GMFC June 2015 Update From Evangelist William Kosi in Kenya


Hello brothers and sisters, the Church is growing and we have now 123 Children which I am training with the word of God. I do evangelism day after day walking from one village to another. Many people think I am fool or insane, but I am doing what I was commissioned by my Lord and I will do it until the end. I traveled to Sololo where occupants are muslims and traditional people. God gave me favor as a woman who was barren for 11 years gave her life to Jesus. I am praying and planning to go toRead More

GMFC – Moyale, Kenya May 2015 Update

One of our Kenya mission partners is traveling and reporting from Moyale. William is evangelizing daily on the streets and praises God as many people came to Christ since he started in Moyale. So much more needs to be done and millions more need to be reached. “Two churches planted here in Moyale and the first one which we planted has over 200 people. The second church is located in muslim area and now has over 80 members. I really glorify God for what HE is doing” stated William. “I visited Ethiopia last month where we evangelize last yearRead More

GMFC – Trinity Bangladesh May 2015 Mission Update

After being forced to move for the 2rd time in less then a year, brother Hilton is settled in to his new home and has done incredible things for the Lord! They painted and cleaned the new home in short, godly order. Bible studies, street outreaches, fellowship, helping the poorest of the poor are what he and his team are doing, all for the glory of God. Join us and sponsor a child or give one time. Every penny counts and 100% goes directly to the mission fields. Click Below for Update Click Below for Pictures